Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

What is the best way to remove leaves and rocks from the deep end of a swimming pool?

automatic swimming pool cleaning equipment on and robotic automatic either your automatic swim carries a hydraulics
automatic swimming pool cleaning equipment image


My swimming poos is surrounded by three palm trees. As the wind blows, I get the long leaves in the pool. Also, the surrounding area is covered by decorative rock. I have tried the net, automatic pool cleaner, manually sucking them out with the pool equipment. Usually I have one of the kids swim to the bottom of the pool to get them out. Is there a better way?

a pool cover and reel would help with the leaves.a solar cover is fairly reasonable and the reel would make it easier to for the rocks the kid retrieval system seems to may want to see about removing the rocks from around the pool,especially if you have a vinyl liner.good luck

Swimming pool regulator valves?


I recently got a new automatic pool cleaner for my pool and it came with a few extras like a bunch of new hoses and a regulator valve that you connect to the the weir. What I'd like to know is whether these regulator valves actually do anything besides tell you how strong the suction is from your pool pump, and if so, what else do they do?

Depending on the model you purchased, the extra equipment will have a different function. You should include all the relative information like make and model and double-check the instruct manuals.

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Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Yellow algae in my pool? How can I totally eliminate? How damaging can it be?

automatic pool cleaner algae on Best Automatic Swimming Pool Cleaners 2009 | Wet Head Media
automatic pool cleaner algae image


Specifics: in ground pool, algae can be scrubbed away pretty easily, but will return, dosed with shock and liquid choline. A pool tech suggested not wasting money on algae chemicals. Your thoughts please, thank you!!

Are you sure it is algae? There are treatments for it ("Yellow Out", for example works very well when used according to label directions).
The key here is how easily it brushes away. Do you have to scrub it, or does it just brush away easily into a cloud? (algae would normally take a little more effort to move)
I had a pollen-like mustard-colored substance that settled on the bottom of my last pool. (Probably from neighbor's trees.) My automatic cleaner used to pick it up, but more was back the next day. If that's what it is, don't know if there's an effective way to keep it out of the pool. (If so, I haven't found it....)

How can I clean a pool that has algae?


there's algae all over the sides of the pool and not much in the water

Hi Ivan, boy do I know this project! We had a beautiful 800 gallon, waterfall in our back yard, under a tree with sticky seeds that fell year-round. It's first name was green! So, I can tell you that pool supply companies, and some home or hardware stores carry algaecides that will do the job.

Preventative measures are the best. Use the pool sweeper to sweep down the sides of the pool daily. You can buy automatic sweepers, but you do need to check that they are doing the job -following them up at least weekly is best. If a lot of leaves get into the pool, remove them daily. If not so many get in the pool, every few days is good. But if the leaves build up, so will the algae. Make sure children, pets, and guests understand they must not go in the pool muddy or even a little dirty -that's what eats up your chlorine.

It's important to check the chlorine levels daily. This is the best thing you do to keep the pool safe and healthy. Don't skip this! Pool services abound, so you don't have to do all these things yourself. If you have a tree with small leaves near the pool, or where it's leaves get blown into the pool, remove it. If there are small gardens around the pool, exchange small-leaved shrubs for larger leaved shrubs, put down landscape fabric (NEVER black plastic) around the shrubs, and cover with a 4" layer of rock. Bark can be blown into the pool by wind.
I allow email through Yahoo! Answers if you have more questions. Just go to my profile page and click on the blue email line.

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Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Regression Problem- Confim my Anwers Please?

automatic pool cleaner sale on ... Legend Pressure Side Pool Cleaner Complete in Like New Condition
automatic pool cleaner sale image


Please see the below and my answers-- please let me know if you disagree and also if you know the answers to the 2 questions I don't. Any help is greatly appreciated.

PoolVac, Inc. manufactures and sells a single product called the âSting Ray,â which is a patent-protected automatic cleaning device for swimming pools. PoolVacâs Sting Ray accounts for 65 percent of total industry sales of automatic pool cleaners. Its closest competitor, Howard Industries, has captured 18 percent of the market.

Using the last 26 months of its sales data, PoolVac wishes to estimate demand for its Sting Ray. Demand for Sting Rays is specified to be a linear function of its price (P), average income for households that have swimming pools in the U.S (MAVG) and the price of the competing pool cleaner sold by Howard Industries (PH). The general linear form of the demand function

Qd = a + b P + c MAVG + d PH.

The attached computer printout presents the regression output from 26 observations (monthly data) on the price charged for a Sting Ray (P), average income of households with pools (MAVG), and the price Howard industries charged for its pool cleaner (PH).
âââââ ââââââââââââââââââââ
The printout of part of regression output from Minitab for the empirical demand is below:

Regression Analysis: Q versus P, MAVG, PH

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 2728.8 531.7 5.13 0.000
P -10.758 1.330 -8.09 0.000
MAVG 0.021420 0.009452 2.27 0.034
PH 3.166 1.344 2.36 0.028

S = 73.0546 R-Sq = 96.6% R-Sq(adj) = 96.2%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 3 3379846 1126615 211.10 0.000
Residual Error 22 117414 5337
Total 25 3497260

Source DF Seq SS
P 1 3327368
MAVG 1 22878
PH 1 29600

1. An estimated demand equation for PoolVac is:
Qd = 2728.8-10.758P+0.021420M+3.166Ph

2. Evaluate the statistical significance of the three estimated slope parameters using a significance level of .05 or 5 percent (you can either use p-values or do a t-test).Please, explain how you decided each parameter was statistically significant or not.

Since the P values of all 3 variables are within the 5% confidence interval, each variable should be considered as staristically significant in determining the demand of the pool vacuums.

3. What is the exact level of statistical significance for estimated slope parameters on price, average income of household and price of related good? Please, explain how you know.

We should look at the P value for each of the slope parameters and in doing so, we find that price is 100% significant, average income (Mavg) is 96.6% (100-.034) and price of competition (Ph) is 97.2% significant (100-.028).

4. Discuss the appropriateness and/or interpretations of the algebraic signs of the three slope parameters, based on your theoretical expectations. Interpret the numerical values of the three slope parameters in the context of this regression.

5. Now evaluate the overall fit of the estimated (sample) regression equation to the data.

a. What percentage of variability in Qd (linear) is explained by a model? Does it indicate a good overall fit? Please, explain.

b. Verify whether the overall regression equation is statistically significant, another words, verify the goodness of overall fit .What is the exact level of significance for the entire regression equation?

Looking at the F stat which is 211.1, we can say the overall regression equation is significant since the absolute value is large. Also, the P value is 0 so there is no chance that this regression equation doesnât explain the relationship between the given variables and quantity demanded.

All of your answers are good. To say that the F statistic has a large absolute value is a little vague; one would generally either consult an F table to the appropriate threshold value or just look at the P value in the computer output. On the other hand, it isn't wrong, and if your instructor taught it that way you should leave it in.

Regarding the questions you haven't answered, number 4 refers to the direction of the effects on your dependent variable that come with changes in the independent variables. You should look at your coefficients and consider what would happen if you changed the values in your variables. For example, if the price of the product goes up, demand for the product goes down because of the negative coefficient associated with the price variable. If this seems confusing, try plugging in some different values into the equation and calculating the result. The negative coefficient makes sense, because people are going to be less interested in buying something if its more expensive. The question is asking you to evaluate both the actual effects on demand and the expected effects for each of the variables.

Question 5a refers to the R-squared statistic (R-Sq), which is the percent of explained variability as mentioned in the question. Yours is quite high.

During this recession, what do you think of these ideas for saving and making money?

Toilet Pap

1. Set up an apple cider stand on a crisp fall day.
2. Start a gift-wrapping service at the holidays.
3. Sell items from the attic using an on-line auction service.
4. Wear your winter coat one more season
5. Set up an automatic paycheck withdrawal for $2 per week.
6. Hold a garage sale.
7. Barter with neighbors or friends for needed household services.
8. Babysit for neighbors.
9. Mow lawns.
10. Post a flyer at the grocery store offering to help people move.
11. Start a spring cleaning service.
12.Walk dogs.
13. Offer seamstress and tailoring services.
14. Sew instead of buying clothes or home accessories.
15. Provide a taxi service for elderly neighbors.
16. Bike to work.
17. Car pool.
18. Use public transportation.
19. Park in the less expensive lots and enjoy the exercise you get from walking!
20. Conserve electricity at home and estimate monthly savings.
21. Find a student (kindergarten through college) who needs a tutor.
22. Cut out candy and snacks; donate what you save on these purchases and dental bills!
23. Take outgrown kids' clothes to a consignment shop.
24. Take your duds from the '70s or '80s to a vintage shop-everything old is new again!
25. Camp instead of staying in hotels on vacation.
26. Give up cable television for a few months--or forever!
27. Pet sit for neighbors who are traveling.
28. Make Saturday "Homemade Pasta Night" instead of dining out.
29. Borrow the latest best-sellers from the library instead of buying them.
30. Give up soft drinks for a whole summer.
31. Take a Thermos of fresh-brewed coffee to work instead of stopping for gourmet brew.
32. For your birthday, ask friends and family to make a gift to Mennonite Board of Missions, Commission on Overseas Mission, Commision on Home Ministries or Ministries Commission, Mennonite Church Canada in your name.
33. Give up your gym membership for the summer and exercise in the fresh air and sunshine.
34. Use coupons when shopping, and donate the savings.
35. Shop at yard sales and thrift stores--you never know when you'll find a hidden treasure.
36. For large household purchases, look for bargains on-line.
37. Pay off credit card debt so no interest collects.
38. Don't let water run while brushing teeth and turn out lights when you leave a room.
39. Offer your services as an office temp or substitute teacher.
40. Design Web sites for local families and businesses.
41. Buy cost-cutter brands for staples and household supplies.
42. Email friends and family instead of calling.
43. Make your own gift cards for holidays and birthdays.
44. Wear more "hand-me-downs" instead of buying new clothes.
45. Buy clothes that mix-and-match for each season.
46. Start flowers from seeds instead of buying seedlings.
47. Put on a family or neighborhood talent show and charge admission.
48. Use vinegar and water for a general household cleaning solution and save on expensive products.
49. Collect cans.
50. Study your health insurance policy and discover ways to avoid health care costs.
51. Plant a larger garden and sell vegetables at a roadside stand.
52. Instead of taking friends or clients out to dinner, send a donation in their name.
53. Donate your holiday club account and give homemade gifts this year.
54. Instead of buying a new CD every week, trade with your friends.
55. Scale back your vacation this year, or choose a service project instead.
56. Wait another six months for any major household purchase.
57. Postpone an upgrade to a software application you use.
58. Make a choice: Chocolate or coffee. Movies or eating out. Experience the one you choose more fully and donate your savings.
59. Buy a live plant instead of fresh flowers to decorate your table.
60. Love your looks--give up hair color, permanents, and other things that detract from your natural beauty.
61. Learn calligraphy and make money addressing invitations and lettering announcements.
62. For special family nights, plan on a video and pizza at home instead of dinner and a movie out.
63. Take the kids to the grocery store with you instead of hiring a babysitter.
64. Restrict your use of the cellular phone to emergencies only.
65. Choose eyeglasses with a sun clip instead of buying prescription sunglasses.
66. Wait for summer clothes to go on sale.
67. Be creative with leftovers--use them for work lunches.
68. Find loose change and save it in a coffee can for a year.
69. Bathe the dog yourself and save the groomer's costs.
70. Do your own house painting this spring instead of hiring a professional.
71. Play tennis on the public courts and save fees.
72. Give up golf for a few weekends and hike in a state park instead.
73. Rake lawns in your neighborhood in the fall.
74. Donate your expense checks from work-related travel.
75. Hold a bake sale.
76. Have friends over for parlor games instead of going out to the theater or a concert.
77. Shovel snow for money.
78. Organize a neighborhood car wash.
79. Sell lem

wow these are all really good ideas
ive been doing lots of things like this lately =]

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What is the best automatic pool cleaner?

best automatic pool cleaner suction on ... - Pool Supplies Canada - Above Ground and Inground Swimming Pools
best automatic pool cleaner suction image


I have a below ground pool and am trying to find reviews on automatic pool cleaners. Consumer Reports doesn't seem to have anything on the subject :( Can anyone lend some insight and perspective on automatic pool cleaners and make a recommendation? Much thanks in advance.

Suction-Side Automatic Pool Cleaners

In researching suction-side cleaners, weâve found that the Stanley PoolTec DLX In-Ground Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaner is the newest and most innovative way to keep your pool clean. The trusted brand of Stanley, with its master craftsmanship and innovative design provides a cleaner that is easy to install and operate and provides continuous cleaning of most in-ground pools. Operating with your poolâs filter, this suction cleaning mechanism maintains a proper angle for optimal performance while cleaning pools with depths of 9 ft.

Pressure-Side Automatic Pool Cleaners

If you are looking for a pressure-side cleaner and you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, we recommend the Kreepy Krauly Legend cleaner from Pentair. A host of design features combine to keep the Legend cleaner on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours. The debris channel and large intake throat handles leaves, twigs and other large debris with ease. The Front-wheel drive generates maximum traction on inclined surfaces for total coverage of pool bottom and walls. The independent booster pump helps provide optimum cleaning power and unimpeded surface skimming. Another great feature is that disposable cleaner bags are also availableâno need to empty or touch debris again.

Robotic / Electronic Automatic Pool Cleaners

Many consumers are now selecting incredibly efficient robotic units as their cleaners of choice. These are great at cleaning small debris and sand as well as one of the only types that clean and scrub the walls and tile line. The Dolphin Supreme M3 and M4 from Maytronics are great options for robotic cleaners. These award-winning models have features that are designed for customers and are backed by the Maytronics name which has provided 25 years of technological leadership. Not only are Dolphin M3 and M4 energy efficient (average cost of less than $0.15 to clean the pool), but they have weekly timers where a user can preset cleanings throughout the week.

Here are some more links to more information. I hope this helps.

Which pool cleaner should I get?

Jake S.

My pool is about 18 x 45 and I need an automatic pool cleaner, the inside is concrete and I am wondering which one is the best. There are just way to many to find out which one to get. Please help, thanks in advance.

depends on wether you get mostly dirt or mostly leaves and large debris.

for dirt,suction type cleaners are the best:kreepy krauly is my favorite not many parts....some people like hayward navigator and sta rite pool shark

for leaves and large debris,a pressure type cleaner such as polaris or viper is good...they have bags which trap debris

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Obsessive or Compulsive blinking?

automatic pool cleaner keeps stopping on Commercial RO Water Filter
automatic pool cleaner keeps stopping image


When I was about five I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I had been obsessively washing my hands to the point that they cracked and bled constantly. The pain didn't bother me as long as I was clean of germs. I was also deathly afraid of becoming sick.
Recently I've been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder.
I'm 16 now and I haven't really noticed a lot of big OCD quirks in years, except sometimes I'll get a sudden panic attack if I notice my room is a mess or my shelf is messy. I also am an obsessive hygienic and always have to take a shower before I go anywhere. I am overly conscious of how I smell, and I'm overly conscious of how my breath smells.

Anyway when I was little, I don't know the age but maybe somewhere around 8, I started paying extra attention to my blinking. My siblings made fun of me and called it the "Squint Blink" or "Squint Blinking" because I would blink really hard to where my eyebrows went down and my eyelids squished together. It became pretty much automatic and I found it nearly impossible to quit. I was eventually able to stop, but then it developed again when I was around 10 or 11. Maybe 12. And I was eventually able to stop myself again, though it was extremely difficult.
The thing is, though I was able to stop, sometimes I will start thinking about it -like right now- and I get the overwhelming urge to do it again. It's SO hard to keep myself from doing it. I get this feeling in my eyes like I really need to. That urge can go on for hours or even days.
Up until now I thought I was the only one who had that problem, but I started researching and discovered other people have that problem too.
My question is, does it have to do with OCD or one of my other problems, or could it be a Blinking Tic or something??

I have been diagnosed with depression and OCD, and have struggled with social anxiety. I used to have the repetitive behaviors referred to as "tics", so I feel my input may be of some value:

I believe that any disturbances within any person, no matter what the origin or manifestation (physical, emotional), MUST come out in some shape or form, sort of like certain laws of nature. Just as a pool of water will always ripple when a pebble is cast in, so will a person ripple when something is not right.

I think its very possible that your facial "tics", the blinking of the eyes, is a way for you to release "tension" of some kind, and by tension, I mean any kind of disturbance, although one that I think is more psychological in origin. I would also submit that its possible that your other compulsive behaviors, the excessive attention to hygeine and preoccupation with the order of your home, are along the same vein.

Another possibility is that these compulsive behaviors offer a distraction from something(s) you would rather not deal with.

Every human being encounters all kinds of stress in their lives (unless one is unable to experience stress; there are purported cases). What matters is how we are able to handle that stress. Will we be able to take what comes in stride and push onward, or will we shatter like a vase dropped from a table?

We all have different manifestations of coping behavior. Its possible that your facial tics and other obsessive compulsive behavior is your coping skill, albiet a difficult one.

As far as psychiatric jargon goes, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is defined by disturbing, intrusive thoughts and repetitive compulsive behaviors ultimately resulting from these thoughts. Do you experience intrusive thoughts, thoughts that may "pop" into your head seemingly out of nowhere? If so, are these thoughts difficult to get rid of, even if they make little sense?

If you want, shoot me an email at [ ] to communicate further.


Q. I use to play pool and other games on Yahoo all the time and I could chat while doing it but then I stopped playing for a couple of months and when I wanted to play the other day so I did and I wanted to chat with someone and now it wont let me..? It says "Chat is only allowed for our most trusted players. As you continue to play on Yahoo you will be granted access to chat. In the meanwhile you will be restricted to listen-only mode. like does anyone know that is?? has anyone else got that message
People can still type to me and I can still play the game normally. I can type in it all I want but when I press send that message will pop up.

Apparently, there's been a lot of boorish behavior in the chat rooms. So much so, that Yahoo's decided not give every one automatic permission to chat.

Instead, you will need to send messages until they (Yahoo) decides you're not a threat to the safety and cohesiveness of the chat rooms.

So don't bully, threaten or belittle people in your messages. Also, keep your language clean and you'll be allowed to chat soon enough.

(Edit) After looking into this further, I now realize that all that message is, is telling you to verify your address. So click it and there will be an e mail sent to your Yahoo address that verifies it's actually your true address.

When you recieve it, just click on the link back to Yahoo and you'll be able to chat once again.

By the way, this entire process shouldn't take a full minute to complete as the e mails are sent immediately, usually.

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what is the best underground auto pool cleaners?

best automatic pool cleaner on the market on 12 ft Round Midwest Canvas Round Fabrene Winter Cover
best automatic pool cleaner on the market image


i have a side suction that uses a skimmer. It is a concrete underground pool

First off I need more info. Is your pool equipped with an automatic pool cleaner line? Does it have a booster pump to propel a cleaner? Let me clarify. Automatic cleaners fall into two categories. Suction side and pressure side. Suction side cleaners operate off the filter pumps suction. Typically they plug into a skimmer, thereby diverting the skimming action to operate the cleaner. There are any number of these on the market. Which is best depends on several factors. Is your pool inground gunite (concrete) or vinyl? What type of debris gets in the pool THE MOST? (Leaves, sand, grass clippings, etc.)
Pressure side cleaners operate from the pressure (return) side. They either must have a dedicated pool cleaner line (installed when the pool is built) or work off a return fitting. Some cleaners require a separate booster pump to drive them, others do not. Again we need to know if the pool is gunite or vinyl and what type of debris is most prevalent. Answer these questions and I can direct you to the cleaner line I've had the most reliable service from. (Been in the pool business 35 years, so I've seen more than a few cleaners!.)

Regression Problem- Confim my Anwers Please?


Please see the below and my answers-- please let me know if you disagree and also if you know the answers to the 2 questions I don't. Any help is greatly appreciated.

PoolVac, Inc. manufactures and sells a single product called the âSting Ray,â which is a patent-protected automatic cleaning device for swimming pools. PoolVacâs Sting Ray accounts for 65 percent of total industry sales of automatic pool cleaners. Its closest competitor, Howard Industries, has captured 18 percent of the market.

Using the last 26 months of its sales data, PoolVac wishes to estimate demand for its Sting Ray. Demand for Sting Rays is specified to be a linear function of its price (P), average income for households that have swimming pools in the U.S (MAVG) and the price of the competing pool cleaner sold by Howard Industries (PH). The general linear form of the demand function

Qd = a + b P + c MAVG + d PH.

The attached computer printout presents the regression output from 26 observations (monthly data) on the price charged for a Sting Ray (P), average income of households with pools (MAVG), and the price Howard industries charged for its pool cleaner (PH).
âââââ ââââââââââââââââââââ
The printout of part of regression output from Minitab for the empirical demand is below:

Regression Analysis: Q versus P, MAVG, PH

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 2728.8 531.7 5.13 0.000
P -10.758 1.330 -8.09 0.000
MAVG 0.021420 0.009452 2.27 0.034
PH 3.166 1.344 2.36 0.028

S = 73.0546 R-Sq = 96.6% R-Sq(adj) = 96.2%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 3 3379846 1126615 211.10 0.000
Residual Error 22 117414 5337
Total 25 3497260

Source DF Seq SS
P 1 3327368
MAVG 1 22878
PH 1 29600

1. An estimated demand equation for PoolVac is:
Qd = 2728.8-10.758P+0.021420M+3.166Ph

2. Evaluate the statistical significance of the three estimated slope parameters using a significance level of .05 or 5 percent (you can either use p-values or do a t-test).Please, explain how you decided each parameter was statistically significant or not.

Since the P values of all 3 variables are within the 5% confidence interval, each variable should be considered as staristically significant in determining the demand of the pool vacuums.

3. What is the exact level of statistical significance for estimated slope parameters on price, average income of household and price of related good? Please, explain how you know.

We should look at the P value for each of the slope parameters and in doing so, we find that price is 100% significant, average income (Mavg) is 96.6% (100-.034) and price of competition (Ph) is 97.2% significant (100-.028).

4. Discuss the appropriateness and/or interpretations of the algebraic signs of the three slope parameters, based on your theoretical expectations. Interpret the numerical values of the three slope parameters in the context of this regression.

5. Now evaluate the overall fit of the estimated (sample) regression equation to the data.

a. What percentage of variability in Qd (linear) is explained by a model? Does it indicate a good overall fit? Please, explain.

b. Verify whether the overall regression equation is statistically significant, another words, verify the goodness of overall fit .What is the exact level of significance for the entire regression equation?

Looking at the F stat which is 211.1, we can say the overall regression equation is significant since the absolute value is large. Also, the P value is 0 so there is no chance that this regression equation doesnât explain the relationship between the given variables and quantity demanded.

All of your answers are good. To say that the F statistic has a large absolute value is a little vague; one would generally either consult an F table to the appropriate threshold value or just look at the P value in the computer output. On the other hand, it isn't wrong, and if your instructor taught it that way you should leave it in.

Regarding the questions you haven't answered, number 4 refers to the direction of the effects on your dependent variable that come with changes in the independent variables. You should look at your coefficients and consider what would happen if you changed the values in your variables. For example, if the price of the product goes up, demand for the product goes down because of the negative coefficient associated with the price variable. If this seems confusing, try plugging in some different values into the equation and calculating the result. The negative coefficient makes sense, because people are going to be less interested in buying something if its more expensive. The question is asking you to evaluate both the actual effects on demand and the expected effects for each of the variables.

Question 5a refers to the R-squared statistic (R-Sq), which is the percent of explained variability as mentioned in the question. Yours is quite high.

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Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

What automatic pool vacuum works the best?

automatic pool cleaner robot on Home > Automatic Pool Cleaners > Aquamax >
automatic pool cleaner robot image


I want to buy an automatic pool cleaner and researched many. I came to a conclusion to either get a Polaris or Hayward. I saw many Haywards for sale on eBay and they complained that it gets stuck because of the shape of their pool. So now I am looking to get a Polaris 280. Can anyone explain the difference between Polaris 280, 360, 380, and basically all the numbers? I just need a pool vacuum that will do the job without me having to interfere with it.

Above ground pool or in-ground pool.
If it is an above ground pool, go for the Hayward BUG.
In-ground pool cleaners, I would have to say Hayward or Kreepy .
The fewer working parts the better.
All of these robots can get stuck, in some pools.

Bought an above ground automatic pool vacuum, suction too intense?


I bought a Dirt Devil automatic pool vacuum, hooked it up my hose, and the suction is too intense so it won't move around. Am I doing something wrong? I paid $150 for it and haven't used it once.

Thinking about selling it & getting a robot cleaner instead, but I'm afraid the suction might still be an issue. Help!!
What valve? lol On the filter?

i own a pool long has it been since you back washed you filter? sounds like the pressure in your tank is too high

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Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

What is the benefit of an automatic cleaner?

automatic pool cleaner options on Pool Equipment Options | Jones Pools
automatic pool cleaner options image

Hin Yushar

Automatic cleaners increase the opportunity that your pool will always be "swim ready." Automatic cleaners today are sophisticated and reliable. There are many different types for all applications depending on the type of pool and your locality to suit your needs and existing equipment. Since it is not possible for your pool professional to be in your yard every day to ensure all debris is cleared, this is an excellent option to ensure that algae does not have a good chance of getting hold of your pool's finish. The most common types of algae are caused botanical debris settling in your pool. Algae is unsightly, unhealthy for both swimmers and the longevity of your pool's finish (plaster). Automatic cleaners are a very good option in avoiding algae and staining of your pool's finish.

Where is the best place to stay in Myrtle Beach? Should I rent a beach house or a condo?


Going at the end of may, early June. Need the name of some rental company's????

Elliot Beach Rentals. Garden City Realty does beach rentals. Barefoot vacations.

I suggest going to and ording a totally free Myrtle Beach Stay and Play guide. It is packed with info about lodging options.

I never rent from one of these rental places. I always rent a place right on the beach at the Dayton House resort. It is very clean, affordable, nice staff, computer access, very clean pools. I get an oceanfront efficiency and stay 8 nights. Anything over 7 is a automatic 25% off discount. It also is in a nice quiet location.

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Senin, 29 Juli 2013

What automatic pool vacuum works the best?

automatic pool cleaner vacuum on ... Image : Automatic Swimming Pool Cleaner automatic vacuum cleaner T493
automatic pool cleaner vacuum image


I want to buy an automatic pool cleaner and researched many. I came to a conclusion to either get a Polaris or Hayward. I saw many Haywards for sale on eBay and they complained that it gets stuck because of the shape of their pool. So now I am looking to get a Polaris 280. Can anyone explain the difference between Polaris 280, 360, 380, and basically all the numbers? I just need a pool vacuum that will do the job without me having to interfere with it.

Above ground pool or in-ground pool.
If it is an above ground pool, go for the Hayward BUG.
In-ground pool cleaners, I would have to say Hayward or Kreepy .
The fewer working parts the better.
All of these robots can get stuck, in some pools.

What a the best quality automatic pool cleaner (vacuum) I can buy for the best price?


Looking for the best system but for the most economical price. Most of the automatic pool cleaners I've found online are around $400, anyone know of a good one I can buy for significantly less?
Thanks in advance :)

Calsplash Pools do one at around $270, or Aquabot, but not sure how much they cost.

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Is anyone interested in100 Ways to Save or Make $100 Bucks?Then read on!?

automatic pool cleaner for sale on SPP Patio & Deck Paint - Paint
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Toilet Pap

1. Set up an apple cider stand on a crisp fall day.
2. Start a gift-wrapping service at the holidays.
3. Sell items from the attic using an on-line auction service.
4. Wear your winter coat one more season--you've always loved it, anyway!
5. Set up an automatic paycheck withdrawal for $2 per week.
6. Hold a garage sale.
7. Barter with neighbors or friends for needed household services.
8. Babysit for neighbors.
9. Mow lawns.
10. Post a flyer at the grocery store offering to help people move.
11. Start a spring cleaning service.
12.Walk dogs.
13. Offer seamstress and tailoring services.
14. Sew instead of buying clothes or home accessories.
15. Provide a taxi service for elderly neighbors.
16. Bike to work.
17. Car pool.
18. Use public transportation.
19. Park in the less expensive lots and enjoy the exercise you get from walking!
20. Conserve electricity at home and estimate monthly savings.
21. Find a student (kindergarten through college) who needs a tutor.
22. Cut out candy and snacks; donate what you save on these purchases and dental bills!
23. Take outgrown kids' clothes to a consignment shop.
24. Take your duds from the '70s or '80s to a vintage shop-everything old is new again!
25. Camp instead of staying in hotels on vacation.
26. Give up cable television for a few months--or forever!
27. Pet sit for neighbors who are traveling.
28. Make Saturday "Homemade Pasta Night" instead of dining out.
29. Borrow the latest best-sellers from the library instead of buying them.
30. Give up soft drinks for a whole summer.
31. Take a Thermos of fresh-brewed coffee to work instead of stopping for gourmet brew.
32. For your birthday, ask friends and family to make a gift to Mennonite Board of Missions, Commission on Overseas Mission, Commision on Home Ministries or Ministries Commission, Mennonite Church Canada in your name.
33. Give up your gym membership for the summer and exercise in the fresh air and sunshine.
34. Use coupons when shopping, and donate the savings.
35. Shop at yard sales and thrift stores--you never know when you'll find a hidden treasure.
36. For large household purchases, look for bargains on-line.
37. Pay off credit card debt so no interest collects.
38. Don't let water run while brushing teeth and turn out lights when you leave a room.
39. Offer your services as an office temp or substitute teacher.
40. Design Web sites for local families and businesses.
41. Buy cost-cutter brands for staples and household supplies.
42. Email friends and family instead of calling.
43. Make your own gift cards for holidays and birthdays.
44. Wear more "hand-me-downs" instead of buying new clothes.
45. Buy clothes that mix-and-match for each season.
46. Start flowers from seeds instead of buying seedlings.
47. Put on a family or neighborhood talent show and charge admission.
48. Use vinegar and water for a general household cleaning solution and save on expensive products.
49. Collect cans.
50. Study your health insurance policy and discover ways to avoid health care costs.
51. Plant a larger garden and sell vegetables at a roadside stand.
52. Instead of taking friends or clients out to dinner, send a donation in their name.
53. Donate your holiday club account and give homemade gifts this year.
54. Instead of buying a new CD every week, trade with your friends.
55. Scale back your vacation this year, or choose a service project instead.
56. Wait another six months for any major household purchase.
57. Postpone an upgrade to a software application you use.
58. Make a choice: Chocolate or coffee. Movies or eating out. Experience the one you choose more fully and donate your savings.
59. Buy a live plant instead of fresh flowers to decorate your table.
60. Love your looks--give up hair color, permanents, and other things that detract from your natural beauty.
61. Learn calligraphy and make money addressing invitations and lettering announcements.
62. For special family nights, plan on a video and pizza at home instead of dinner and a movie out.
63. Take the kids to the grocery store with you instead of hiring a babysitter.
64. Restrict your use of the cellular phone to emergencies only.
65. Choose eyeglasses with a sun clip instead of buying prescription sunglasses.
66. Wait for summer clothes to go on sale.
67. Be creative with leftovers--use them for work lunches.
68. Find loose change and save it in a coffee can for a year.
69. Bathe the dog yourself and save the groomer's costs.
70. Do your own house painting this spring instead of hiring a professional.
71. Play tennis on the public courts and save fees.
72. Give up golf for a few weekends and hike in a state park instead.
73. Rake lawns in your neighborhood in the fall.
74. Donate your expense checks from work-related travel.
75. Hold a bake sale.
76. Have friends over for parlor games instead of going out to the theater or a concert.
77. Shovel snow for money.
78. Organize a neighborhood car wash.
79. Sell lemonade on a hot summer day.
80. Take used sporting equipment to resale shops.
81. Buy a frozen pizza and cook it instead of ordering one from a pizza place.
82. Assign a dollar amount to each book or page a family member reads, then donate family earnings.
83. When you order fast food, don't supersize it! Ask for water instead of a soft drink.
84. Get rid of your lawn service and donate savings.
85. Start a babysitting coop with people from your church or neighborhood, and donate the money you save on sitters.
86. Dust off that bread machine and treat yourself to homebaked bread for pennies.
87. Offer a matching gift to family members who contribute to Mennonite Board of Missions, Commission on Overseas Missions, Commission on Home Ministries or Ministries Commission, Mennonite Church Canada.
88. Check to see if your public health department offers low-cost vaccines.
89. Plan several vegetarian meals each week.
90. Sell your famous preserves or fruitcake to friends looking for holiday gifts.
91. Buy next year's holiday supplies at day-after sales.
92. Learn how to change the oil in your car.
93. Skip purchasing season football tickets and have friends over to watch the game on TV.
94. Get rid of phone service add-ons--call waiting can wait!
95. Set the thermostat at 65 and snuggle under a blanket.
96. Only go to matinee showings of movies.
97. Choose the cheap seats for concerts and sporting events.
98. Start a resume or word-processing service.
99. Find a housemate.
100. Organize a cycling or running event with people donating a specific amount per mile covered.

Well, I thought this was gonna be a joke, but I like it better this way :).

How old do you have to be to be a waitress in VA?


I need a summer job, and im 15 years old. Do small diners/restaraunts hire 15 year olds in Virginia?? and if so, could i be a waitress, or is there an age limit for being a waitress?
also, if you have a specific diner/small restaraunt that you know of in VA that does accept 15 y/o's near the Richmond area, then it would be great if you could give me some names! =) 10 points to best answer!!!
thanks so much you guys!!!!

Frequently Asked Questions: Child Labor Law VIRGINIA

1. At what age can a minor child work?
Generally, 14 years of age.

Are minors prohibited from working in certain jobs?

Yes. Minors under 16 are prohibited from several occupations, which are considered unhealthy, unwholesome or dangerous. Minors aged 16 and 17 are barred from working in a shorter list of particularly hazardous occupations.

Here's the List:

16VAC15-30-220. Employment of 14- and 15-year-old minors generally.

A. Minors 14 and 15 years old may not be employed in any occupation declared hazardous for 16- and 17-year-old minors and, in addition, are prohibited from being employed in any of the following:

1. In any mechanical establishment.

2. In any commercial cannery.

3. In the operation of any automatic passenger or freight elevator.

4. In any dance studio.

5. In any hospital, nursing home, clinic, or other establishments providing care for resident patients.

6. As a laboratory helper, therapist, orderly, or nurse's aide.

7. At any veterinary hospital.

8. In any undertaking establishment or funeral home.

9. In curb service at restaurants.

10. In hotel and motel room service.

11. In any brick, coal, or lumber yard.

12. In any ice plant.

13. As ushers in theaters.

14. In any scaffolding work or construction trade.

15. In any outdoor theater, cabaret, carnival, fair, floor show, pool hall, club, or roadhouse.

16. As a lifeguard at a beach.

17. In the solicitation, sale, or obtaining of subscription contracts or orders for books, magazines, or other periodical publications other than newspapers.

18. Any manufacturing occupation.

19. Any mining occupation.

20. Processing occupations such as filleting of fish, dressing poultry, cracking nuts, or laundering as performed by commercial laundries and dry cleaning (except in a retail, food service, or gasoline service establishment in those specific occupations expressly permitted in 16VAC15-30-230).

21. Occupations requiring the performance of any duties in workrooms or workplaces where goods are manufactured, mined, or otherwise processed (except to the extent expressly permitted in retail, food service, or gasoline service establishments in accordance with 16VAC15-30-230).

22. Operation or tending of hoisting apparatus or of any power-driven machinery (other than office machines and machines in retail, food service, and gasoline service establishments that are specified in 16VAC15-30-230 as machines that such minors may operate in such establishments).

23. Occupations in connection with:

a. Transportation of persons or property by rail, highway, air, on water, pipeline, or other means. Exception: Office or sales work in connection with these activities is permitted.

b. Warehousing and storage. Exception: Office or sales work in connection with these activities is permitted.

c. Communications and public utilities. Exception: Office or sales work in connection with these activities is permitted.

B. EXCEPTIONS: Activities 14- and 15-year-old minors may be engaged in include:

1. Children 14 years of age and over may be engaged in office work of a clerical nature in bona fide office rooms in the establishments listed in subsection A of this section.

2. Children 14 years of age and over may be employed by dry cleaning or laundry establishments in branch stores where no processing is done on the premises.

3. Children 14 years of age and over may be employed in hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics where they may be engaged in kitchen work, tray service, or room and hall cleaning.

4. Children 14 years of age and over may be employed in bowling alleys completely equipped with automatic pin setters, but not in or about such machines.

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Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

My pool cleaner is taking water in, but it is not moving or cleaning anything?

automatic pool cleaner troubleshooting on Traction Bars and Ladder Bars - Chevrolet Traction Bars and GMC
automatic pool cleaner troubleshooting image


My pool cleaner was working just fine, but today I noticed it wasn't moving or cleaning at all. So, realized is socking water in but it is not moving, cleaning or doing anything. How could i fix this problem?
Thanks for your help. I would appreciate it very much!!! :)

heres a page with a few tips on troubleshooting automatic pool cleaners:

i have a Kontiki 2 automatic pool vacuum. it does not seem to work at all. anyone have any suggestions?


The only place I have seen this cleaner is on EBay. The seller claims it is made by Zodiac. It appears there is little if any difference between the G3 and Kontiki, except the color. Zodiac does not mention this model on their site but they do have a troubleshooting guide that discusses the G3. You may want to look at this guide to help determine if you can make some adjustments . The EBay seller also lists a 1 year warranty on this cleaner.

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Simple directions for closing a pool for winter.?

automatic pool cleaner types on Pool Cleaner - Email, Phone Numbers, Public Records & Criminal ...
automatic pool cleaner types image


Please can I use the automatic cleaner for the leafs? There are not alot of them in their however it is already too cold to go in to get them. It does get very cold here. Also can I put a plate on the skimmer instead of draining below this. I have to buy water and don't want to waste if I don't have to.
Sorry the pool is new this year. It is an above ground 24 ft round.

Saving the water is wise. To remove the leaves Wal Mart or any pool place has a hand net type skimmer. Remove any mechanical skimmers and pumps drain the water from them so it does not freeze in them. Drain the water level down 4 to 6 inches from the swimming level. Put cover on the pool if you have an old auto tire inner tube fill with air and float it in the center of the pool and then put the pool cover on to keep the cover from sinking into the pool water when it rains or snows and from the weight of leaves on the pool cover. Thats basicly it untill spring and you need to begin the filters again to clean and shock the poool to swim in.

How much chlorine will I use in my pool?


We just bought a house in MI with a 16x32 inground pool. I am getting ready to buy chemicals for it. The pool has an automatic chlorinator and I am wondering whether or not to buy 3" or 1" tabs or the sticks or whatever else there is. Also how many pounds of chlorine will I go through in the summer running the pump for 12 hours a day. Any other pool tips or chemical advice would be greatly appreciated.

You definetly DO have to chlorinate a private residential pool, otherwise you will very quickly have a swamp rather than a swimming pool. Go with the 3" tabs, they dissolve less quickly so you won't have to add tabs but about every one to two weeks ( I have some pools on my route that I only have to add once a month). As far as how much to buy, as with everything, the more you buy the more you save. It does not expire so if you have some left at the end of the season, just store until the next.

As far as other tips, the key to keeping a nice pool if preventative maintenance ( as with any investment).
I recommend taking one day a week (only an hour or so) and perform maintenance:
*clean the water line (with a tile/vinyl cleaner from your local pool store)
*Remove large debris from bottom of pool with a leaf rake (large deep net that attaches to the end of telescopic pole)
*empty skimmer and pump baskets
*vacuum pool
*clean filter according to filter type (backwash sand filter, *clean cartridge elements in cartridge filter, and for DE backwash and recharge with DE)
*Test chemicals -- Test Chlorine and pH weekly, Total Alkalinty biweekly, and Calcium Hardness monthly.

Recommended chemical levels:
Chlorine: 1-5 ppm
pH: 7.2-7.6
Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
Calcium Hardness: 200-300 ppm

In addition to chlorine, you will need to purchase other chemicals for balancing, namely Sodium Bicarbonate (for Total Alkalinity), Soda Ash (for pH), and Calcium Chloride( for calcium). If you would ever need to lower the pH, use Muriatic Acid.

You can buy these chemicals at your local pool store. They will most likely try to sell you BioGuard or some other brand of pool chemicals. The ones that I named are what we call bulk chemicals, they come in 50 lb. bags and are much less expensive. They are the exact same thing, you're just not paying for advertisement. Again they do not go bad, so you can save them for years. Just make sure you store chemicals out of the elements.

I recommend getting yourself a good test kit (the best is made by Taylor). Do not use test strips as they are difficult to read and often wrong.

I see that you are in michigan. If you happen to be near the Saginaw/ Bay City area there is a great company there called Cherokee Pools. They have a retail store and also do service if you would ever need any repair work done.( My husband got his start with them years ago and we now own our own business in Myrtle Beach).

If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer them.

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Does a pool pump need to run 24/7 when you have it opened?

automatic pool cleaner for inground pools on Automatic Pool Vacuum - SmartPool Climber - Inground Swimming Pool ...
automatic pool cleaner for inground pools image


I recently moved to a new place that has an inground pool. It has 25,000 gallons of water and an automatic pool cleaner.

I turn mine off at night - I don't see the practicality of running it when you're not enjoying it! I DO leave it running all day, however. :)

How do I keep my automatic pool cleaner from getting caught on the steps?


we have an in ground pool with a kreepy krauly automatic cleaner. It works great, but it is continually getting caught at the corner of the steps. How can I keep this from happening? does it have something to do with the weights? The type of Kreepy that we have is the Pentair K70406 Kreepy Krauly Classic Inground Automatic Suction Pool cleaner.

the weight probably pulls it down

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Is high school diving safe??? How can I keep from hitting the bottom?

automatic pool cleaner keeps stopping on Henry Bona || Swimming Pools ||
automatic pool cleaner keeps stopping image


Hi, I am 16 years old, and I just went to my first High School diving practice tonight. I am a little worried about the safety of it though, because when doing a pike save (rolling inward under water so as to not hurt your back), I sometimes stop moving like 2.5-3ft from the bottom of the pool, and I can't stop wondering, what if I pike too late? Will i hit my head/ back and become paralyzed or injured?

What do you think about this and the safety of diving, especially for someone just starting that has no history of gymnastics or anything?

The purpose of the pike save is not to protect the back, it's to 'save' (i.e. clean up) a poor (non-vertical) entry, so you don't get marked down so much by the judges. It helps to minimise the amount of splash you produce, and also reduces the 'sting' from slight over-rotation. A side effect is that you don't go as deep as you would if you held the vertical entry position. If that's the first thing they're teaching you, I would suggest either that your school diving pit is too shallow (unlikely, since these things are subject to federal/ international standards), or that your school is terrified of lawsuits of any description (very likely, given that you're--presumably--in the US).

I have dived in multiple pools in the UK, and the minimum depth under a 3 m springboard was always ~3.5 m (11 ft) or more. This was more than sufficient that, even on a clean vertical entry, though I might touch bottom, I would never hit it hard enough to hurt. Anyway, you hit the water with your hands locked above your head, thus it's your hands which would strike the bottom first, and you can then cushion the impact with your arms. The risk of paralysis is minimal, so don't worry about it. Even if you leave the roll a little late, as soon as you start to roll, you will instantly slow/ stop your descent. Just keep your hands overhead until after you start the roll.

Diving's a relatively safe sport, though, certainly compared to e.g. football. The most common injury is the sting from a bad entry, which admittedly hurts like a b***h for a couple of minutes, but does little if any lasting damage--except to your confidence, if you let it. The worst thing is probably hitting the board during the flight, but that only happens if you get the takeoff completely wrong, and THEN try to perform your dive anyway. Better to just abort the movement, and try again (although doing so in competition will earn you an automatic 'failed dive').

Obsessive or Compulsive blinking?


When I was about five I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I had been obsessively washing my hands to the point that they cracked and bled constantly. The pain didn't bother me as long as I was clean of germs. I was also deathly afraid of becoming sick.
Recently I've been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety/Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder.
I'm 16 now and I haven't really noticed a lot of big OCD quirks in years, except sometimes I'll get a sudden panic attack if I notice my room is a mess or my shelf is messy. I also am an obsessive hygienic and always have to take a shower before I go anywhere. I am overly conscious of how I smell, and I'm overly conscious of how my breath smells.

Anyway when I was little, I don't know the age but maybe somewhere around 8, I started paying extra attention to my blinking. My siblings made fun of me and called it the "Squint Blink" or "Squint Blinking" because I would blink really hard to where my eyebrows went down and my eyelids squished together. It became pretty much automatic and I found it nearly impossible to quit. I was eventually able to stop, but then it developed again when I was around 10 or 11. Maybe 12. And I was eventually able to stop myself again, though it was extremely difficult.
The thing is, though I was able to stop, sometimes I will start thinking about it -like right now- and I get the overwhelming urge to do it again. It's SO hard to keep myself from doing it. I get this feeling in my eyes like I really need to. That urge can go on for hours or even days.
Up until now I thought I was the only one who had that problem, but I started researching and discovered other people have that problem too.
My question is, does it have to do with OCD or one of my other problems, or could it be a Blinking Tic or something??

I have been diagnosed with depression and OCD, and have struggled with social anxiety. I used to have the repetitive behaviors referred to as "tics", so I feel my input may be of some value:

I believe that any disturbances within any person, no matter what the origin or manifestation (physical, emotional), MUST come out in some shape or form, sort of like certain laws of nature. Just as a pool of water will always ripple when a pebble is cast in, so will a person ripple when something is not right.

I think its very possible that your facial "tics", the blinking of the eyes, is a way for you to release "tension" of some kind, and by tension, I mean any kind of disturbance, although one that I think is more psychological in origin. I would also submit that its possible that your other compulsive behaviors, the excessive attention to hygeine and preoccupation with the order of your home, are along the same vein.

Another possibility is that these compulsive behaviors offer a distraction from something(s) you would rather not deal with.

Every human being encounters all kinds of stress in their lives (unless one is unable to experience stress; there are purported cases). What matters is how we are able to handle that stress. Will we be able to take what comes in stride and push onward, or will we shatter like a vase dropped from a table?

We all have different manifestations of coping behavior. Its possible that your facial tics and other obsessive compulsive behavior is your coping skill, albiet a difficult one.

As far as psychiatric jargon goes, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is defined by disturbing, intrusive thoughts and repetitive compulsive behaviors ultimately resulting from these thoughts. Do you experience intrusive thoughts, thoughts that may "pop" into your head seemingly out of nowhere? If so, are these thoughts difficult to get rid of, even if they make little sense?

If you want, shoot me an email at [ ] to communicate further.

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