Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014

What is the best automatic inground pool cleaner? What brand and price?


Its a vinyl inground pool. Rectangular 18x36. Also budget is an issue, I am looking at spending $500 or less.

After 25 years of hearing how great floor head systems are, I have come to a conclusion. If your pool would have stayed looking nice with any cleaning system in your pool, it will stay nice with a floor head system.
If you plan on owning a pool for 5-6 years, or longer, in my opinion the best cleaning system(Dollar for Dollar) is a Polaris 280 with a booster pump and a separate time clock. The reasons are as follows:
1.)Low cost of repairs. I have clients with Polaris 180âs that are 25 years old. (The 280 has the same drive system.) Total repair costs in 25 years are less than $300.00 total (Not counting bag replacements.) I Personally, have owned a Polaris 280 for almost 5 years and have not spent a dime. (other than on 2 bags, and one of them was torn by my kids, and the other by a big pine cone. )

2.)It will clean most pools spotless in 10-20 minutes per day. You have seen our (5) 40â plus Ponderosa pines that overhang our pool area. Not counting steps and love seat, if we keep the bag cleaned, the floor stays spotless.

3.)Initial installation costs should be in the $1400.00-1600.00 range. Floor head systems are usually about double the initial expense. Also, the motor for the cleaning system is usually a 2 H.P. or larger, and the pool needs to run for substantially greater times to even get close to what a Polaris will do in ½ hour or less. Also, if you are not the initial purchaser of the system, you will not get a lifetime warrantee. Replacement gear systems, floor heads, ⦠can average more than $200.00 per year after the first 2 year, not to mention if the cleaner is not working correctly, i.e. heads jammed in the up position, actuator gears jammed, ⦠you are running that large motor with absolutely no cleaning going on. Any way you look at it, running a ¾ H.P. booster motor for 20-30 minutes is going to be a lot cheaper than running a 2 H.P. for 3-4 hours. Add into this that most motors run for more than 2 hours per day seem to have a life span in the 5-6 year range, and that a 2 H.P. motor is about double the cost, I cannot see spending the money.

4.)Suction side cleaners have a lower initial cost, but are annoying because either they will not pick up sticks, twigs, small rocks, ⦠or they will, and then they will completely stop working until you spend 10 minutes pulling them out and cleaning the debris out of them. Some of these will end up needing replacement parts just because of punctured diaphragms, ⦠This is in addition to an average annual repair cost of about $200-250, after the first year or two. In less than 5 years(More likely 3 years), if you add in electricity savings, pool cleanliness and thus chemical costs savings, and electrical savings, you have more than paid for the Polaris. If you add to this the fact that, if you have a suction side cleaner, you will have had to bring it in to the shop at least 4-5 times, having a non-functional cleaning system, thus a horridly dirty pool at least 4-5 times, the fact that often it dies a slow death each time so your pool doesnât look right for months prior to each rebuilding, and the repeated hassles of needing to unplug the system when ever any ârealâ debris ends up in the pool, and I wonât have anything else in my pool, or my families pools. To summarize, If you are buying a cleaner and are selling the home quickly, I would probably go with a pool Vac(if there are no rocks, sticks, big leaves, ⦠In other words, dirt only, but your annual repair costs will be high) or a Kreepy Krauley if you have anything else(Or want 40% less repair costs than the Pool Vac).

5.)Floor heads, or suction cleaners destroy the natural water flow around the pool which is responsible for moving the debris around to the skimmer on the surface, and for moving silt, and dirt to the main drain. Therefore, the surface areas of both sides of the pool(If the cleaners are functioning properly) will be an average of 20-40% dirtier than the same pool with a pool vac, return lines properly adjusted, and approximately ¾ of the suction of the pool going to the main drain. Also, since almost all of the suction for a suction side cleaner is directed to the cleaner, and thatâs run through an extra 30 feet or so of corrugated hose, the water flow is greatly reduced, and to get the same water filtration you will need to run that system approximately 25% -30% longer than a system without a suction cleaner. Thatâs 1 ¾ hrs longer running a 1 H.P. motor than is needed to run the ¾ H.P booster. Also, as a suction cleaner picks up debris, assuming it doesnât get plugged up and stop functioning all together, the baskets will fill up and all the suction to the pool will decrease or stop. There are times during the year where about 60% of the repair work I do is related to suction cleaning systems picking up too much debris. Note: This is never covered under any warrantee.

There is more that I could add, but I am too tired to do so now. Installation is as follows:

How to connect an automatic pool cleaner (Cruiser C400).?


Should the pump be set to filtration or circulation? and should both the skimmer and bottom valves be left open?

Close the bottom drain. If your pool has a side drain, connect the pool cleaner there. If not, put a y-fitting into the skimmer and tie your pool cleaner in there. Set the pump for filtration to take out the stuff the pool cleaner picks up.

My neighbor tied his pool cleaner into one of the bottom drains and plugged the other. That seems to work ok too but you have to fool around with the balance between the two drains to get the pool cleaner to work.

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Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

New house - how do I take care of our pool?

Eric C

Details - Inground pool, approximately 70,000 gallons.

There's really not much detail here other than the volume. I could write a book and not cover what you need. If you post back with filter type, pool type (concrtet or vinyl), heater or no heater, type of sanitizer being used and any automatic pool cleaners, it would be helpful. There's simply too many things to cover other than basic water chemistry. I usually suggest to new home owners that they get a pool service guy in once, to give them waht our company calls pool 101's. Many service companies will do this for you and it won't cost much more than a service call (50 bucks). You'll get a personalized lesson, that's good for your specific set up and equipment. Take notes and if possible videotape the lesson. Hey, don't laugh, I think I'm starring in over 100 home videos by now. This way you can review what you've learned.
I'll go over some basics, common to most pools.
1/ check your chemistry at least once week. Total alkalinity 80-120 , Ph 7.2- 7.6, Cl or Br 1.0 -3.0. Always adjust your TA before trying to adjust anything else contrary to what I see in some of these posts ( still giggling, little wonder people's pools go green)
2/ Vac out the pool on at least a weekly basis. Keeping it clean helps lower your overall chemical expenditures.
3/ Clean out you pump and skimmer baskets on at least a weekly basis and same goes for whatever filter system you are using, unless it's a DE filter, you can leave those longer.
4/ Every month or so, take a water sample into your pool shop to be tested. They test for things a typical home owner's kit doesn't. If you're developing a calcium hardness issue, total dissolved solids or a dissolved metal issue, they can nip it in the bud before any damage occurs. You should also take in a sample 2 weeks prior to closing the pool (if applicable) and within a few days of pool opening (if applicable). Helps you put the pool to bed properly and get off to a good start in spring.
That's all I can post given the info you provided. Every pool is different. I'll put this on my watch list, if you update and may be able to help further.

What do I need in order to clean a pool?


It is a heated gunite chlorine pool. I have no experience with pools.
Need to know everything from proper chemicals to cleaning equipment. The pool is already open and swimmable, I just need to keep it clean and maintain it. Possibly close the pool at the end of the season.
I don't have any equipment except for the automatic filter that is currently running.

What about those automatic pool vacuum things?
Thank you for your help
Also, if you could point me in the direction of cheaper places to buy the supplies, like online vendors. I'm in New York.

I would start out with a good water test kit, preferably a liquid drop type. I feel they are much more accurate than the test strips.
Secondly, get some pool tools: a pool pole, net, brush, vacuum (either an automatic unit or a manual vacuum head,and vacuum hose).
Then you will want chemicals. I would suggest talking about that with someone from a local pool company / store. Some chemicals work better than others based on your region.
Lastly, you might consider getting a lesson in pool care from a REPUTABLE pool service company. Check out:, or Google maps for reviews.

I personally do something like that for my customers. I call it "pool school". It generally takes about an hour or so, to go over the basics of pool care. Bring a pen and paper for note taking.

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Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Above ground pool vac.?

Karen M

I have been looking at automatic above ground pool vacuums and i was wondering what one you would say to be the best. I have seen the Zodiac Baracuda Zoom and Ranger and they seem like good machines but i havent been able to find any reviews on either of them and for that hefty a price i would like to know what i am really getting. Any help is greatly appreciated.

My mom's colleague has a Baracuda Zoom and she said its the best thing she ever bought...she just lets it go and wah-lah, your pool is CLEAN!!! I would recomend it to you.

My pool vacuum wont work?


i have an above ground pool and i recently bought an automatic pool cleaner from craigslist, so it didnt come with a manual. i dont think that it is working properly because i left it in for about 2hrs and it picked up a little bit but not everything. whenever it goes over an area with bugs around it, it doesnt pick it up it just makes the debris float around the pool. this is the model i have:
somebody pleasee help!! thanks=]

Robo Kleen pool cleaners are designed for above ground pools so that is not going to be the problem. Go to the website below, find your model, and when you click on it, you should see an online version of the owners manual. That should help you out.

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my automatic pool cleaner is not working?


what should i do ro check out to see wny my automatic pool cleaner(polaris turtle) is not working?

I cannot find the website for polaris, seems they were sold not too long ago. I could be wrong on that.

If your turtle plugs into the skimmer or fitting in the water and there is not a separate pump to operate it, likely the turtle is a suction side automatic cleaner.

Suction side automatic cleaners all have something in common and that is when your filter is getting dirty the amount of water going through your cleaner and filter is way down. Inside your cleaner is a water paddle wheel that makes the turtle go.

Check your turtle to see if the passage ways are clean and clear and the hose is also, then clean out your filter. A clean filter should develop about 16-20psi when clean. When dirty and needing cleaning the pressure is about 26-30 or a 10 psi gain. Best to clean before 10 psi but surely by 10 psi.

You're welcome!!

how do above ground automatic pool cleaners work??


the most common form of pool cleaners are suction cleaners which have a hose that simply attaches through the skimmer. (If the pool has a main drain, it would need to be closed using the valve). The cleaner automatically moves around the bottom of the pool, sucking debris off the bottom of the pool and trapping it in the pump basket and filter. The pump basket should be emptied before and after the cleaning cycle. And the filter should be cleaned after cleaning the pool. Any large debris (leaves, sticks, and such) should be removed from the pool with a leaf rake before hooking up cleaner to prevent clogging up plumbing and allowing for a more effecient cleaning cycle. If you are considering purchasing a cleaner, I highly recommend the Zodiac brand. ( By the way, incase you're wondering, I own a swimming pool company and would be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have)

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Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

how do above ground automatic pool cleaners work??


the most common form of pool cleaners are suction cleaners which have a hose that simply attaches through the skimmer. (If the pool has a main drain, it would need to be closed using the valve). The cleaner automatically moves around the bottom of the pool, sucking debris off the bottom of the pool and trapping it in the pump basket and filter. The pump basket should be emptied before and after the cleaning cycle. And the filter should be cleaned after cleaning the pool. Any large debris (leaves, sticks, and such) should be removed from the pool with a leaf rake before hooking up cleaner to prevent clogging up plumbing and allowing for a more effecient cleaning cycle. If you are considering purchasing a cleaner, I highly recommend the Zodiac brand. ( By the way, incase you're wondering, I own a swimming pool company and would be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have)

my automatic pool cleaner is not working?


what should i do ro check out to see wny my automatic pool cleaner(polaris turtle) is not working?

I cannot find the website for polaris, seems they were sold not too long ago. I could be wrong on that.

If your turtle plugs into the skimmer or fitting in the water and there is not a separate pump to operate it, likely the turtle is a suction side automatic cleaner.

Suction side automatic cleaners all have something in common and that is when your filter is getting dirty the amount of water going through your cleaner and filter is way down. Inside your cleaner is a water paddle wheel that makes the turtle go.

Check your turtle to see if the passage ways are clean and clear and the hose is also, then clean out your filter. A clean filter should develop about 16-20psi when clean. When dirty and needing cleaning the pressure is about 26-30 or a 10 psi gain. Best to clean before 10 psi but surely by 10 psi.

You're welcome!!

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Senin, 12 Mei 2014

how does an above ground automatic pool cleaner work??


Not well enough that you won't need to still remove leaves and other big items. I thought installing one would work. I even got one of those bottom cleaners, and still I have to have the pool guy come once every month!!! There is no real cure for the pool cleaner!!!!
Sorry, I thought you were talking about built in pools......

Automatic in ground pool vacuum?

Jessica Ra

Hello everyone,

I was wondering which automatic in ground pool vacuum is good for cleaning?

I am looking for something cheap and reliable, anyone have any experience with some good vacuum cleaners which does the job.


i own a pool company and your better automatic pool vaccums would be either a polaris or a creepy crawly but you can get them cheaper online then in a pool store. look under pool companies

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What is the benefit of an automatic cleaner?

Hin Yushar

Automatic cleaners increase the opportunity that your pool will always be "swim ready." Automatic cleaners today are sophisticated and reliable. There are many different types for all applications depending on the type of pool and your locality to suit your needs and existing equipment. Since it is not possible for your pool professional to be in your yard every day to ensure all debris is cleared, this is an excellent option to ensure that algae does not have a good chance of getting hold of your pool's finish. The most common types of algae are caused botanical debris settling in your pool. Algae is unsightly, unhealthy for both swimmers and the longevity of your pool's finish (plaster). Automatic cleaners are a very good option in avoiding algae and staining of your pool's finish.

i have wear algae in my pool ...?


every time i put the solar cover , create algae black , bad if i take out of the water the color is pink and is hard to clean this I want know what i this? Spend allot of money

It sounds like you do indeed have algae growth. This growth is not a result of your solar cover. If you already have an algae problem, it is going to grow more rapidly when you put the cover on because the cover traps heat. You need to treat your pool with a super algeacide and use your automatic pool cleaner frequently until you get the problem under control. You might also have to shock your pool.

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