Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

What happens if pesticide gets in a swimming pool?

automatic pool cleaner problems on Pool Cleaners - Pentair Pool Cleaners
automatic pool cleaner problems image


A diluted amount of LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN got in my swimming pool. It is an over the counter pesticide to control ants, mosquitoes, beetles etc . A sudden wind gust drifted some of the pesticide in my swimming pool.

If it was a small amount and you are running a filter, it shouldn't be a problem. I would run the filter for at least 24 hours straight and brush the sides and bottom of the pool every few hours to stir up and remaining pesticide. If you have an automatic pool cleaner, you will also want to run it to help stir the water. You might also want to shock the pool.

Tail on Pentair Legend Pool Cleaner is shooting water all over whenever it makes a turn.?


I have a Pentair Legend Pool cleaner. The tail constantly whips out of the water whenever it makes a turn and shoots water everywhere. It didn't used to do it so I know that something is not right. I'm tired of cleaning my windows :) Any ideas?

Two things to try:

1)There should be adjustment screw near tail attatchment point that controls the strength of tail water jet

2)there is a tail weight available from polaris pool cleaner tyhat will also fit on legend

more tips here:

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Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

how to clean my pool at home with only the cleaning tablets.?

automatic pool cleaner instructions on Under the hood of the Polaris 9300 Sport Robotic Pool Cleaner
automatic pool cleaner instructions image


i have a 12'x30" pool it holds 1,718 gallons of water.the pump filters 530 gallons of water per hour. the pool by morning is green and slimmy. the bottom of the pool is covered in green and brown crud?

Cleaning your pool is a must to ensure bather comfort and protect your equipment. How to clean your pool is simple, and we've asked pool professional John Kistler to fill us in on the whys of pool cleaning.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Step 1 Use a manual brush and pool vacuum on all areas of the walls and floor at least once a week, even if your pool is equipped with an automatic system, says John Kistler of Sunflower Pool & Spa in Salina, Kansas. There are some places in every pool that the automatic cleaning systems miss.

Step 2 Pay particular attention to corners, stairs and other hard-to-reach areas that get little circulation.

Step 3 Keep your pool maintained. A clean pool is also a function of a working filtration system and proper pH levels. Use a sanitizer to help fight bacteria, and shock the pool on a regular basis (see How to Shock a Pool) to help keep it clean and crystal-clear.

With the power behind kitchenaid mixer motors, why do you think they do not turn off when the head is tilted?


I just tried to remove an attachment from a Kitchen Aid mixer and, not realizing what button/knob to push to loosen the attachment, turned it on with my hand on it. It yanked my hand pretty good and luckily damage was not worse but the whole incident makes me question...

The motor inside the mixer is (and needs to be) very powerful. Why on earth hasn't Kitchen Maid added a safety switch to the tilt head so that the mixer cannot be powered when the head is tilted up? Is there some need to have the motor on with the head tilted? I've seen plenty of power tools with far less power which have far more safety designed into the product.
While I appreciate Tom's answer below, there are a few things I take issue with.

1. Virtually every engineer, executive, secretary or janitor working for Kitchen Aid knows the following:

a. Most owners of the mixer will NOT unplug the unit each and every time attachments are changed.

b. All members of a household in which a mixer is present will not have read the entire operating manual.

c. People often make mistakes for a large variety of reasons.


2. Error-proofing the mixer such that the motor cannot run when attachments are being changes is entirely possible.

After working extensively with both American and Asian automakers, one of many cultural difference I've noticed is what Tom stated. The Asians do not look at error-proofing and think "it can't be done," they look at it and think "it can be done, and if it is already being done, it can be done better."

Anyway, I digress. From reading this I think the answers to my question
I also find it amusing that electric mixers are a top contender when I search for "most dangerous kitchen appliances." Maybe it simply is because engineers cannot and will not make them safer.

It's impossible to idiot proof everything. Why would you work on any power equipment with power still applied? Especially since the operating manual specifically says never to do that.
You have a large brain that should be sufficient to protect you from this sort of mishap.
You're essentially asking how to protect you from yourself. Can't be done.

It's not a defect... you ignored the instructions. It's like crawling under a car when all that's holding it up is the jack and you didn't place jack stands like you're supposed to. Ignore the common sense part and no one can or will protect you.

BTW, what power tool with far less power has more safety designed into it? Hand drills are very powerful but there is nothing to keep them from energizing while changing bits. Same with my drill press. Nothing to keep it from starting while I have a chuck key inserted.
Can't get any safer than disconnecting power... like you were instructed to.

Direct from Kitchenaid:
"When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be
followed including the following:
1. Read all instructions.
2. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not put mixer in water or other
3. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children.
4. Unplug from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off parts, and
before cleaning."

So what I am noticing is that you speak in generalities. You still haven't named that power tool with far more safety build into it, that you mentioned.
As far as pulling the Asian vs. American mentality card, that's a crock. Easy to say, but you can't support the statement other than with your own anecdotal statement. Nonetheless, this is NOT AN ENGINEERING problem or issue. An interlock would be easy. So would unplugging the machine before you monkey with it, but you didn't do that. The latter is less expensive and more practical.
Guess what would happen if there were an interlock and it failed? You'd be wanting to sue. I'm not so sure you're not intimating that already with this supposed "design defect".
Learn your lesson already... keep your finger out of the light socket. (there's no interlock there, either)

Your statements about what "most owners" will or will not do are also unfounded and unsubstantiated. You made that up, too.
If you can't/don't follow instructions then THAT'S YOUR FAULT. Period.

I'm sick and tired of this mentality. Space heaters burn down homes all the time. So do matches. Or is is people using space heaters and matches that burn things down?
A car can be put into forward gear and the throttle stepped on even if when there's a store front full of people in front of you. GASP! Why aren't engineers doing something about that?? Surely the Asians have noticed this looming danger and are all over it!

The MOST dangerous thing in your kitchen is YOU. The fact that you and most of your friends (not most people) choose to ignore instructions, warnings, and cautions actually gives me hope for humanity as some of those genes will soon be removed from the pool.

Maybe all applicances should also have GFI built INTO them in case some idiot who wants to make toast next to his hot tub plugs it into an extension cord that's not on a GFI circuit?
Maybe toasters should have automatic doors on them to keep people from sticking butter knives into them while they're plugged in?
You getting the point yet? Probably not.

The bottom line, that you don't like and won't accept, is that there is NO TREND of people being injured by their stand mixers. The mixers that are the most dangerous are the hand and wand mixers with high-speed exposed blades. (you failed to research that before you listed "electric mixers" as a dangerous kitchen appliance) Perhaps that's the part that amused you.

Get a grip and stop blaming everyone for not protecting you from yourself. It can't be done and should not be done.
You couldn't figure out which button to press so you fumbled with it plugged in. Not good.... and contrary to what you were told not to do.

Here's another: Don't drive on the left side of the road in the US. It's not safe. There is nothing to stop you from doing this, even though the car has a lot of power. Just don't do it.

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Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

What happens if pesticide gets in a swimming pool?

automatic pool cleaner brush on MRT2 Automatic Cleaner
automatic pool cleaner brush image


A diluted amount of LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN got in my swimming pool. It is an over the counter pesticide to control ants, mosquitoes, beetles etc . A sudden wind gust drifted some of the pesticide in my swimming pool.

If it was a small amount and you are running a filter, it shouldn't be a problem. I would run the filter for at least 24 hours straight and brush the sides and bottom of the pool every few hours to stir up and remaining pesticide. If you have an automatic pool cleaner, you will also want to run it to help stir the water. You might also want to shock the pool.

we have a pool and i was wondering what if.................?


the pool right now has no water, but we are planning to fill it up. However, this is our first pool, we don't know how to maintain it, what tools we need, or anything. Can you please tell me what do i need, and please don't say hire a pool specialist because we just don't want that. We just want a list of things that we need to start a pool.

Thank you in advance.3

When I bought my house it came with a pool. I thought about getting a pool guy, but quickly change my mind when I inspected the filter. The pool guy the previous owner had just did the basic to get by. The filter had not been clean in years and the pressure was not right.
My suggestion is go down to a book store a look at some pool care books. Find a book that explain some simple pool care. It is not all that hard to maintain pool, it just takes time.
As far as what you need?
Tester kit, find one that uses the drops
Brush and pole
Net to get the leaves out that connect to the pole.
chlorine, I use the power.
Floaty thing that you put a chlorine tablet into.
I recommend you read up on these chemical and understand what they are for.
Also, read up on your filter. It will give you an idea when you need to clean or back wash.
Now, get yourself a automatic pool cleaner. It will save you time. I have the creepy crawly. My first chance I get, I am going to get another brand.
Finally find a local pool store in your city. You can bring your water in and they will test it for free. They will also tell you what you need to maintain your pool.

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Looking for the name and author of a short story.. Possibly Ray Bradbury?

automatic pool cleaner wikipedia on ... ground, outdoor Pressure side automated pool cleaner visible at bottom
automatic pool cleaner wikipedia image


Alright, I had to read a story in school.. probably in Jr. High.. and I remember vivid details.. but can't remember the name..

So, it's set in the future, not long after a nuclear bomb kills all life. It is talking about all the things going on in this house.. Automatic systems of various kinds.. like it automatically makes coffee, and then cleans up after itself, automatically feeds the non-existant dog, dusts.. etc. etc.. One of the last details is when the story takes you outside and there is a black image on the side of the house or garage of some children playing... they were outside playing when the nuke went off and it obliterated them .. but somehow the ash created the image on the wall exactly as it had happened.. It reminds me of Ray Bradbury, but I have yet to find a story by him that is the same.. Anyone have a clue?

There Will Come Soft Rains is a short 12-line poem by Sara Teasdale written in 1920. The poem deals with nature reclaiming the earth after the disappearance of the human race, and the small overall impact humanity left on the planet. It illustrates the unimportance of humans. The poem reads:

There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pool singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;
Robins will wear their feathery fire,
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
Note: this work is public domain since it was composed prior to 1923 and the author died over 70 years ago.

Retrieved from ""

There Will Come Soft Rains" is printed as a chapter in Bradbury's 1950 novel titled The Martian Chronicles. The standalone short story version and the chapter version have slightly different endings. The version in The Martian Chronicles is known by the variant title "August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains".

"There Will Come Soft Rains" is a short story by science fiction author Ray Bradbury.

The story is about a high-technology smart house in a post-human world. Due to a nuclear war, the inhabitants of the home have perished; only their silhouettes are left, etched into the burned outer walls. The intelligent house, unaware of their deaths, continues to serve the absent people. Throughout the story, which spans a day, the house makes breakfast, disposes of it uneaten, and continues with other domestic tasks. Though sensitive to time and even to the weather, the house fails to register the absence of its owners. Only one living thing makes an appearance in the story: the family dog. Starved and sick, it makes its way back to the house only to die; its corpse is then swiftly removed by the house's automated cleaning robots. In the evening, the house reads the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Sara Teasdale, underlining the premise of the story: that man, despite all of his achievements, will be forgotten the second he is gone.

So it's obvious that the poem was the influence for the short story.

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Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Can anyone tell me what the best automatic in-ground pool cleaner is?

automatic pool leaf cleaner on Automatic Pool Cleaners Accessories - Swimming Pool Supplies ...
automatic pool leaf cleaner image


I just got an in-ground pool and am looking to purchase an automatic cleaner. I haved checked out all the info I can, but can't seem to come to a decision! I don't want to spend $700-$1000 on a product only to find out it doesn't work! I don't mind spending the money if I know it's going to be worth it!

Depends on the kind of dirt you need to pick up. Generally speaking, "suction side" cleaners that constantly vacuum your pool (hose goes into your skimmer) are best when you have mostly dust and dirt. They tend to have difficulty with larger debris like leaves and needles. If that is you main debris then I suggest a "pressure side" cleaner. Some of these have a booster pump, some don't. But they all use a hose with water pressure to propel them. They have a debris bag that will collect the leaves very well, but dust and dirt may go through the bag.

What is the best automatic inground pool cleaner? What brand and price?


Its a vinyl inground pool. Rectangular 18x36. Also budget is an issue, I am looking at spending $500 or less.

After 25 years of hearing how great floor head systems are, I have come to a conclusion. If your pool would have stayed looking nice with any cleaning system in your pool, it will stay nice with a floor head system.
If you plan on owning a pool for 5-6 years, or longer, in my opinion the best cleaning system(Dollar for Dollar) is a Polaris 280 with a booster pump and a separate time clock. The reasons are as follows:
1.)Low cost of repairs. I have clients with Polaris 180âs that are 25 years old. (The 280 has the same drive system.) Total repair costs in 25 years are less than $300.00 total (Not counting bag replacements.) I Personally, have owned a Polaris 280 for almost 5 years and have not spent a dime. (other than on 2 bags, and one of them was torn by my kids, and the other by a big pine cone. )

2.)It will clean most pools spotless in 10-20 minutes per day. You have seen our (5) 40â plus Ponderosa pines that overhang our pool area. Not counting steps and love seat, if we keep the bag cleaned, the floor stays spotless.

3.)Initial installation costs should be in the $1400.00-1600.00 range. Floor head systems are usually about double the initial expense. Also, the motor for the cleaning system is usually a 2 H.P. or larger, and the pool needs to run for substantially greater times to even get close to what a Polaris will do in ½ hour or less. Also, if you are not the initial purchaser of the system, you will not get a lifetime warrantee. Replacement gear systems, floor heads, ⦠can average more than $200.00 per year after the first 2 year, not to mention if the cleaner is not working correctly, i.e. heads jammed in the up position, actuator gears jammed, ⦠you are running that large motor with absolutely no cleaning going on. Any way you look at it, running a ¾ H.P. booster motor for 20-30 minutes is going to be a lot cheaper than running a 2 H.P. for 3-4 hours. Add into this that most motors run for more than 2 hours per day seem to have a life span in the 5-6 year range, and that a 2 H.P. motor is about double the cost, I cannot see spending the money.

4.)Suction side cleaners have a lower initial cost, but are annoying because either they will not pick up sticks, twigs, small rocks, ⦠or they will, and then they will completely stop working until you spend 10 minutes pulling them out and cleaning the debris out of them. Some of these will end up needing replacement parts just because of punctured diaphragms, ⦠This is in addition to an average annual repair cost of about $200-250, after the first year or two. In less than 5 years(More likely 3 years), if you add in electricity savings, pool cleanliness and thus chemical costs savings, and electrical savings, you have more than paid for the Polaris. If you add to this the fact that, if you have a suction side cleaner, you will have had to bring it in to the shop at least 4-5 times, having a non-functional cleaning system, thus a horridly dirty pool at least 4-5 times, the fact that often it dies a slow death each time so your pool doesnât look right for months prior to each rebuilding, and the repeated hassles of needing to unplug the system when ever any ârealâ debris ends up in the pool, and I wonât have anything else in my pool, or my families pools. To summarize, If you are buying a cleaner and are selling the home quickly, I would probably go with a pool Vac(if there are no rocks, sticks, big leaves, ⦠In other words, dirt only, but your annual repair costs will be high) or a Kreepy Krauley if you have anything else(Or want 40% less repair costs than the Pool Vac).

5.)Floor heads, or suction cleaners destroy the natural water flow around the pool which is responsible for moving the debris around to the skimmer on the surface, and for moving silt, and dirt to the main drain. Therefore, the surface areas of both sides of the pool(If the cleaners are functioning properly) will be an average of 20-40% dirtier than the same pool with a pool vac, return lines properly adjusted, and approximately ¾ of the suction of the pool going to the main drain. Also, since almost all of the suction for a suction side cleaner is directed to the cleaner, and thatâs run through an extra 30 feet or so of corrugated hose, the water flow is greatly reduced, and to get the same water filtration you will need to run that system approximately 25% -30% longer than a system without a suction cleaner. Thatâs 1 ¾ hrs longer running a 1 H.P. motor than is needed to run the ¾ H.P booster. Also, as a suction cleaner picks up debris, assuming it doesnât get plugged up and stop functioning all together, the baskets will fill up and all the suction to the pool will decrease or stop. There are times during the year where about 60% of the repair work I do is related to suction cleaning systems picking up too much debris. Note: This is never covered under any warrantee.

There is more that I could add, but I am too tired to do so now. Installation is as follows:

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Automatic vacuum cleaner problems!!! PLEASE HELP?

automatic pool cleaner options on Automatic Pool Cleaners: A Buyers Guide | InTheSwim Swimming Pool ...
automatic pool cleaner options image


We just got an above ground pool this year and it came with a manual vacuum. It dosnt really work good, so my dad bought a n automatic one. It keeps getting stuck on the ladder. Its a Barracuda brand something like that. Does anyone know how to fix that problem? Its one of those that has a flat thing at the bottom and a round collar around the top so it stays so far out of the walls please any help!!

There is a ladder guard that you can purchase for the Barracuda pool cleaner. It is sold as an option accessory and is made specifically to remedy this problem. I believe that their part number is #W24000. You can get one with an retailer that sells Barracuda parts or probably directly from the company.

I have a rock under my pool liner?


We bought an above ground pool and installed it ourselves. It took us 5 tries but we finally got it up and filled and then noticed that there is a pointy rock about the size of a 50 cent piece sticking up under the liner. I have no idea how we missed it but we did so now we don't know what to do! We are afraid to try and push it down because it's probably going to poke a hole in the liner.. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do with it? We have 6 kids so I'm sure if we leave it in there its going to eventually get a hole there with the kids walking on it all the time. Its a 24' x 52" pool so we really don't want to drain it and start over, cause like I said this is the 5th time and 2 other times we had it half full and had to drain it. Someone please help!!!

Couple of options.
1/ New liner and new install so it's not going to be a hardship on that liner to drain it, crawl under from a convenient spot, grab that offending rock , retrace your crawl and smooth the bottom as you retreat.
2/ Live with it until it holes. Unpleasant for the feet and will happen sooner if you have an automatic pool cleaner.
3/ Bite the bullet and grab a knife. Have a patch kit and liner sample large enough to to the patch. Slice at the rock, grab it and apply your patch quickly so that your sand bottom doesn't start creating a channel as it erodes.

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what is the best automatic pool cleaner for a fiberglass pool?

are automatic pool cleaners good on G3 Automatic Pool Cleaner W03000 Review | Best Automatic Pool Cleaners ...
are automatic pool cleaners good image


I am wondering what is the best pool cleaner for a fiberglass pool, i have heard many different opinions from stores trying to sell their products, some say baracuda X7 is the best then another store said no way for a fiberglass pool, that i should use polaris. Anyone have any input? what are my options?

i own a pool company.and have seen many different auto pool cleaners.( 13 years) and by far a polaris would be your best bet.however you would be better off if you by one online as it is cheaper.look for SWIMMING POOL DEALERS. buying one online you cut out the middle man because of the price mark up they have.if you go to a pool store expect to pay a thousand 1000.00 dollars or it online most of the time it is cheaper

Which pool cleaner should I get?

Jake S.

My pool is about 18 x 45 and I need an automatic pool cleaner, the inside is concrete and I am wondering which one is the best. There are just way to many to find out which one to get. Please help, thanks in advance.

depends on wether you get mostly dirt or mostly leaves and large debris.

for dirt,suction type cleaners are the best:kreepy krauly is my favorite not many parts....some people like hayward navigator and sta rite pool shark

for leaves and large debris,a pressure type cleaner such as polaris or viper is good...they have bags which trap debris

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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

What's the best automatic pool cleaner?

automatic pool cleaner sale on SUNCOMMAND Splasher Command and more Automatic Pool Cleaners at Makro
automatic pool cleaner sale image

Laura T

I need an automatic pool cleaner, what's my best choise for no more than $200

From past experience and I assume this is an inground vinyl pool, Kreepy Krauly offers the best bang for the buck and you ought to be able to find one on sale around your budget.They're pretty bullet proof and do a good job.
If this is an in ground concrete pool, you'll need to budget a little more. Kreepy will work, but you'll run through pleats if your finish is rough.
If this is an above ground, something like a Polaris 65 would fit your budget and do a good job for that type of pool.

What ever happened to the Tidy Bowl Man?


Ty-D-Bol Man - The Ty-D-Bowl Company had a very strange nautical spokesperson to advertise the merits of their toilet bowl cleaning product. Precariously balanced in a small boat floating inside a toilet water basin, the Ty-D-Bowl man (wearing a Captain's hat, blazer and turtleneck) greeted a TV housewife when she lifted the basin lid and proceeded to sell her and the viewing audience on the advantages of his product. This has got to be the worst location any commercial spokesman ever had to live. Comedian George Carlin once commented on one of his comedy albums "They're approving some pretty weird things, man. Like the guy in the toilet is pretty strange. Originally, it's a row boat. Then he got a speedboat. Then he was on a raft with two calypso guy musicians and two bushels of lemons [singing] "We put the lemon in the Ty-D-Bol for you." Actors who portrayed the role of the Ty-D-Bol Man included Fred Miltonberg, Larry Sprinkle and Mark Matheisen. TRIVIA NOTE: In 1958 Harry O'Hare Sr. developed Ty-D-Bol, a liquid cleanser/disinfectant for the toilet bowl that is still sold today by Sara Lee Corporation. He also helped pioneer the use of chlorinators to clean swimming pools. O'Hare sold Ty-D-Bol Chemical in 1960 for less than $100,000. In 1988 at the age of 67 O'Hare developed a new product called the Watergizer, an electro-chemical process that cleans and softens a household's water supply far better than other systems on the market. It was developed by HOH Water Technology Corp, a Newbury Park firm organized by O'Hare in 1979. In 1991 color consultant James Mandle changed the color of Ty-D-Bol's toilet bowl cleanser bottle from light blue and green to stark white letters on a dark background. In an 18 month period following the change of color, sales of Ty-D-Bol jumped 40%. The 1992 "Ty-D-Bol Spring Cleaning Report" asked 1,006 American adults what they would choose if they "had the power to throw out what exists and start all over again." The winner, picked by 49 percent, was the U.S. Congress. In 1994 Ty-D-Bol Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner -the Blue liquid in a Sanitizing Formula - was promoted as being "the only automatic bowl cleaner so powerful, it goes beyond clean to kill 99.9% of toilet bowl germs with every flush. And it's the only automatic you can buy that's registered with the United States E.P.A." See also PROPS - TOILETS: "Toilets"
Vanguard of commode sanitation has resigned.
February 11, 1998 San Diego CA After almost 25 years of keeping toilets spotless, Chester Marfield, better known as the Tidy Bowl Man has quit his job.

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what is the best above ground automatic pool cleaner?

automatic pool leaf cleaner on Plastica Deluxe suction automatic pool cleaner is suitable for in ...
automatic pool leaf cleaner image

chris j

now i have a barracuda zippy. it worked ok for a while and now its just dead. i need one that get the leaves and minor debris off the bottom of the pool. automatic just put it in and let it run lol.
will the bug actually pick up leaves and stuff as small as dirt?

I've had the Aqua Bug for 2 years & I love it.

Which pool cleaner should I get?

Jake S.

My pool is about 18 x 45 and I need an automatic pool cleaner, the inside is concrete and I am wondering which one is the best. There are just way to many to find out which one to get. Please help, thanks in advance.

depends on wether you get mostly dirt or mostly leaves and large debris.

for dirt,suction type cleaners are the best:kreepy krauly is my favorite not many parts....some people like hayward navigator and sta rite pool shark

for leaves and large debris,a pressure type cleaner such as polaris or viper is good...they have bags which trap debris

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Senin, 30 September 2013

i need a design of solar power to heat a swimming pool?

automatic pool cleaner manufacturer on Professional automatic pool cleaner Robotic pool cleaner
automatic pool cleaner manufacturer image


project on solar power

Here are some very important things to consider when installing solar heating to a pool:

1) the industry standard is called passive heating - it is when you run the pool water through a lot of piping and the solar radiation and air temps put the heat into the water... just like when you leave the garden hose out in the sun and turn on the water... the first bit comes out warm. Other methods of converting solar energy into things like electricity - and using the electricity to heat the water are just too inefficient.

2) Solar heating can only put so much heat into the water, so make sure your expectations are right. Solar will only give you what mother nature gives you in the form of a daytime high temp. So, for instance if the daytime high is 80 degrees, your pool water will not get past 77 or 78. The swim season where I live (Arizona) is typically May-September. With solar, you will be swimming approximately March-October. November-February will not support comfortable swimming temps.

3) Keep the pool covered at night, or else you will lose any heat you put into the pool during the day.

4) Do not use landscaping/irrigation hose for your tubing! The pool chemicals will de-laminate the inside of the pipes, and you will have a MESS!

5) If your pool has an in-floor cleaning system, you need to make sure the system will work hydraulically when the solar array is added. If your system is too restricted, the back pressure on the pool pump will cause it to labor unnecessarily, and the heat transfer will not be very efficient because the water is going too fast through the pipe.

6) automatic valving and temperature sensors are recommended - they will capture heat when the conditions are right. If you forget to set the valves to divert water to the panels, you lose opportunity to put heat into the pool.

THAT BEING SAID... You will generally want to match at the very least, 80% of the pool's surface area in solar surface area. Ideally you want to hit 100%. Going way past 100% is not going to get you much more heat after that (remember, you only can put the daytime temp into the pool). I have seen many do-it-yourself solar projects, and most of them are poorly designed/constructed and wind up costing the homeowner more in fixes/damage than if they just went through a solar company. This is one project I would at the very least, purchase the panels and equipment from a solar panel manufacturer to make sure your investment isn't wasted.

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Minggu, 29 September 2013

I'm looking to buy an automatic pool cleaner for an in-ground pool. Any suggestions on best brand and type?

automatic pool cleaner with bag on automatic pool cleaner the nitro wall climber automatic pool cleaner ...
automatic pool cleaner with bag image


You didn't mention your budget. If you're looking to spend 300 dollars or under, then from a service guy's point of view on effectiveness, cost, ease of repair, least things that go wrong with them, it's a Kreepy Krauly, hands down.
Sure Baracudda markets itself as having no moving parts, but the one part that does all the action also wears out on a yearly basis. If you ask me, it's also a moving part, so their literature is pretty misleading.
If you're budget allows spending over a grand, then the Polaris vac sweep 360 or 380 is most certainly the way to go. The only issue here is if your pool currently has a plumbing line going to the pool it can use. Without one, you'll have to go the over deck route, which then is a hose to trip over, lying on the deck. That's the only drawback.
These two cleaners are totally different in their collection and operation. The Kreepy uses suction side plumbing (debris to the pump basket and filter), the Polaris uses pressure side, with it's own booster pump and it's collection is a bag attached to the Polaris head.

how to use pool chemicals to correct problems?

Q. The pool is green!i put stuff in it and it only killed the frogs!-(my mom)

Shocking your pool IS putting chlorine in your pool. You need two 2.5 gals of chlorine jugs. Your going to use one today and one tomorrow. FIrst you need (we have"Stop Yellow") a 6 oz. one time treatment bag of sodium bromine (which is basically crushed up bromine tablets). then you need to put the 2.5 gal of chlorine in the pool. then the bag. you need to brush the pool and let it run for 24 hours.---if you have an automatic cleaner, take it out----. TOMORROW you need to clean the filter. After you clean the filter you need to put the SECOND 2.5 gal of chlorine jug in. Then you should see your pool start to clear up within a day or so.

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What is the difference between in ground and above ground cleaner?

automatic pool cleaners how they work on cleaners pressure cleaners use water pressure to function and often ...
automatic pool cleaners how they work image


I am looking for an automatic pool cleaner, but i found out that there are two type. one is in ground and one is abover ground. I dont know what's the different between the two.

It's referring to the type of pool you have. Above-ground cleaners mainly cover the bottom of the pool. Since the sides in most inground pools have either curves or slopes between the floor and the walls, (above-ground pools usually have right angles) the cleaners are generally able to climb the walls and clean them as well. (And, generally there will be a big price difference between the two types; in-ground cleaners generally cost a lot more.

what is the best automatic pool cleaner for a fiberglass pool?


I am wondering what is the best pool cleaner for a fiberglass pool, i have heard many different opinions from stores trying to sell their products, some say baracuda X7 is the best then another store said no way for a fiberglass pool, that i should use polaris. Anyone have any input? what are my options?

i own a pool company.and have seen many different auto pool cleaners.( 13 years) and by far a polaris would be your best bet.however you would be better off if you by one online as it is cheaper.look for SWIMMING POOL DEALERS. buying one online you cut out the middle man because of the price mark up they have.if you go to a pool store expect to pay a thousand 1000.00 dollars or it online most of the time it is cheaper

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