Sabtu, 07 September 2013

What is the best way to remove leaves and rocks from the deep end of a swimming pool?

automatic pool cover cleaner on ... drain cover to prevent automatic pool covers from getting stuck on it
automatic pool cover cleaner image


My swimming poos is surrounded by three palm trees. As the wind blows, I get the long leaves in the pool. Also, the surrounding area is covered by decorative rock. I have tried the net, automatic pool cleaner, manually sucking them out with the pool equipment. Usually I have one of the kids swim to the bottom of the pool to get them out. Is there a better way?

a pool cover and reel would help with the leaves.a solar cover is fairly reasonable and the reel would make it easier to for the rocks the kid retrieval system seems to may want to see about removing the rocks from around the pool,especially if you have a vinyl liner.good luck

Simple directions for closing a pool for winter.?


Please can I use the automatic cleaner for the leafs? There are not alot of them in their however it is already too cold to go in to get them. It does get very cold here. Also can I put a plate on the skimmer instead of draining below this. I have to buy water and don't want to waste if I don't have to.
Sorry the pool is new this year. It is an above ground 24 ft round.

Saving the water is wise. To remove the leaves Wal Mart or any pool place has a hand net type skimmer. Remove any mechanical skimmers and pumps drain the water from them so it does not freeze in them. Drain the water level down 4 to 6 inches from the swimming level. Put cover on the pool if you have an old auto tire inner tube fill with air and float it in the center of the pool and then put the pool cover on to keep the cover from sinking into the pool water when it rains or snows and from the weight of leaves on the pool cover. Thats basicly it untill spring and you need to begin the filters again to clean and shock the poool to swim in.

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What automatic pool vacuum works the best?

polaris� 360 automatic pool cleaner parts on Polaris 360 Pool Cleaner Parts | Top 10 Best Robotic Pool Cleaners ...
polaris� 360 automatic pool cleaner parts image


I want to buy an automatic pool cleaner and researched many. I came to a conclusion to either get a Polaris or Hayward. I saw many Haywards for sale on eBay and they complained that it gets stuck because of the shape of their pool. So now I am looking to get a Polaris 280. Can anyone explain the difference between Polaris 280, 360, 380, and basically all the numbers? I just need a pool vacuum that will do the job without me having to interfere with it.

Above ground pool or in-ground pool.
If it is an above ground pool, go for the Hayward BUG.
In-ground pool cleaners, I would have to say Hayward or Kreepy .
The fewer working parts the better.
All of these robots can get stuck, in some pools.

I'm looking to buy an automatic pool cleaner for an in-ground pool. Any suggestions on best brand and type?


You didn't mention your budget. If you're looking to spend 300 dollars or under, then from a service guy's point of view on effectiveness, cost, ease of repair, least things that go wrong with them, it's a Kreepy Krauly, hands down.
Sure Baracudda markets itself as having no moving parts, but the one part that does all the action also wears out on a yearly basis. If you ask me, it's also a moving part, so their literature is pretty misleading.
If you're budget allows spending over a grand, then the Polaris vac sweep 360 or 380 is most certainly the way to go. The only issue here is if your pool currently has a plumbing line going to the pool it can use. Without one, you'll have to go the over deck route, which then is a hose to trip over, lying on the deck. That's the only drawback.
These two cleaners are totally different in their collection and operation. The Kreepy uses suction side plumbing (debris to the pump basket and filter), the Polaris uses pressure side, with it's own booster pump and it's collection is a bag attached to the Polaris head.

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I am taking a drug test tomorrow and I have taken some adderall?

best rated automatic pool cleaner on Was written Mon 13 Aug 2012, 22:26 | Direct link | Tech/Internet
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Robby Lace

I know it will come up on my drug test, but I do not have a prescription for it. I took 30mg today and have to take the test tomorrow. What can I expect to happen? I know it will show up on the test, should I disclose that I took it before I take the test or just wait for the results to come back to say anything? Again, I do not have a prescription for adderall. I just took them recreationally to help with final exams.

What you should do depends on for whom you are taking the test. You know you are going to show positive for amphetamine or what ever amphetamine class is on the drug test, so... a) do you know what you are going to be tested for? b) i am assuming this is a urine test c) you said you took "30 mg" today, but then you say that you took "them" for exams ("them" indicating more than 1, and "final exams," which are usually given over a week or two) d) is this a job test/career related or something more serious that could be freedom restrictive (such as for probation)
Consider this: I have taken a diet medication that I was prescribed which does test positive for amphetamine. Curious, more than once, I did a little home testing b/c I wanted to see how long this drug stayed in my urine after I stopped taking it. To my surprise, it cleared my system, even after 1-2 solid months of 30-60 mg a day (it was phentermine) after no more than 24-36 hours. That's not saying that will be true for you, but it's a good chance that if you can delay this test--even 1 day--even if you have to go to the doctor w/ a belly ache or a migraine and get a note saying you were seen and have the day off, and if you don't take anything over the next 24 hours you will be naturally clean. Amphetamines (I don't know about methamphetamine, sorry) clear out very quickly! If you can't do this, you need to consider this. Unless is a huge deal test, this urine will only be sent of for forensic (usually GCMS) confirmation if you test *positive*, and now you can listen to the gatoraid/water drinkers here, but--and even if you take a B vitamin to recolor your urine--your urine will *probably* be tested for specific gravity and creatine, those are two items (and I don't care how you try to pack your system w/ any sort of creatine replenisher or eat meat and have sex--other purported means by which you can 'boost' creatine levels) that will cause an invalid result which are usually marked automatic positives, so if you are testing for a job or the like, you will be automatically out of the job pool. But in my opinion, for a job, it's better to drink as much water as you can *immediately before the test--no more that 1 hr 15 mins* and don't bother with the drinks b/c all they do in the end is dilute your urine. Take a vitamin B pill (chew it up b/c heaven forbid it's time released), about 30 mins before the test and after you are passing totally clean urine. Don't drink so much water that you vomit (your body will force you to vomit water if you are diluting your system--b/c too much water can actually kill you); no more than a 2-liter in that 1 hr 15 min period. You will start to pass yellow urine again b/c of the vitamin. Stop and use the bathroom 1 more time somewhere close to the test *right* before the test (the urine shouldn't be held in your bladder too long, not good), and just take it. If you are lucky, the test taker will put some a temp strip on your cup, verify the temp, check the color (which is why you *cannot* not take the vitamin), and stick the dip stick or drops some drops onto a diskette in front of you, see that nothing shows and throw it away. Depending on your probation, if that is the case, you may or may not be screwed, but it is always better to test--if you get the spec gravity and the creatine tests, diluted and claim you simply were worried that you would not be able to pee and so drank a hefty bit of water before the test than to test positive for *anything*! Cut and dry, what you did was illegal, and proof that you took any controlled substance (which Adderall is) w/out a prescription is admitting a crime. So... wait 24 more hours to take the test (and don't do anything no alcohol no smoking all these things pollute your system and slow down your elimination rate) or dilute your system and recolor w/ chewed B vitamin, b/c those are your only real choices.
After this experience, don't do this again. It's stupid, and if you get caught w/ even once pill that's not yours rx or no, you can eliminate your eligibility for financial aid, and derail the future for which you are taking those exams! Good luck & learn something from this, please.

btw: you'd be *REALLY SCREWED* if you were doing *POT* and on the way to hard core for real! It's the "gateway drug." Plus it stays in your system for 2 weeks to a month and even longer if you smoke it everyday. Don't listen to *pot-head-girl* up there!

what is the single greatest use for salt?


there are actually many great uses of salt which benefits us in many ways like:

ALUMINIUM PURIFICATION Salt is used as a flux. The salt sits on top of the molten aluminium in molten salt form, this removes iron and other metals from aluminium leaving pure metal.

BREAD AND PASTRY Salt is used to give added flavour to bread and pastry. The main requirement here is that the product, either flossy or superfine, is clean and free from any extraneous matter. Salt also performs a function in controlling the rate at which the yeast works in the dough, giving a better texture to the bread.

CANNING OF MEAT AND VEGETABLES Salt is added to the products during processing and it is essential in these cases that the salt be free of grit, and particularly free of any specks or iron particles as these show up in the finished product.

CAUSTIC/CHLORINE MANUFACTURE The conversion of salt to form caustic soda and chlorine requires a crude salt with very high chemical purity. Salt is dissolved to form brine and the impurities are removed chemically before the brine passes into the electrolytic cells.

CHEESE MANUFACTURE Most cheese today is made on automatic machines and salting must be carried out in a continuous process. The salt used must be extremely dry at all times and contain virtually no fines beyond 60 mesh.

DRILLING Salt is used to mix with boring mud which is pumped down bore holes to form a wall when drilling through gravel or sandy material which will not stand up on its own.

FISH & MEAT CURING This is usually carried out by dissolving salt to form a strong brine to act as a pickle. The products may be placed in the pickle, or in many cases the pickle is pumped into the actual meat (such as in the case of bacon and ham). Salt for these purposes should be refined grades, clean and of high quality.

GENERAL COOKING Fine salt is used for all sorts of cooking and is similar to table salt, without the addition of Sodium Silico Aluminate.

HIDE CURING Hides and sheep skins are normally salted with a reasonably low quality salt. Hide salts are usually only washed grades but contain certain additives such as boric acid, to keep the hide as light a colour as possible. Other additives are naphthalene and sodium fluoride.

POTTERY PRODUCTION Salt is used to form the very smooth glaze on clay tiles or pottery ware. After a kiln of tiles reaches a yellow to white heat, salt is then fed on to the fire. The salt vaporises and passes on to the surface of the tile, actually forming a glass surface.

SOAP & GLYCERINE MANUFACTURE Fats and oils are saponified by heating with caustic soda to produce soap and glycerine. The soap is "grained" or "salted out" from solution by adding salt or strong brine.

SWIMMING POOLS Swimming pool salt is designed specifically for use with salt pool chlorinators

SYNTHETIC RUBBER MANUFACTURE Synthetic rubber is produced in the form of white latex to which salt is added as an emulsifier. Salt for this purpose is in crude form, of medium quality.

TABLE SALT This is a specially prepared salt for domestic purposes, with small, even crystals. Sodium Silico Aluminate is added as a free flowing agent. Table salt also comes in iodised form.

TEXTILE DYEING Salt is added to the dye baths during the process mainly to make the dyes fast. Flossy salt is the grade most commonly used in this process.

WATER SOFTENING Salt is used in both industrial and home water softening units. The purpose being to regenerate the resins which pick up the objectionable salts in the normal water supply. Salt for this purpose is usually a washed or refined grade. A similar type of salt is used for making a brine for brine cooling systems.

OTHER USES Other uses of salt include butter manufacture, soil stabilisation, tempering of steel, fertilisers and weed killers, and pine board manufacture.

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How much chlorine will I use in my pool?

best automatic pool cleaner for tiled pool on ... 9300 Sport - the best automatic pool cleaner from zodiac pool products
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We just bought a house in MI with a 16x32 inground pool. I am getting ready to buy chemicals for it. The pool has an automatic chlorinator and I am wondering whether or not to buy 3" or 1" tabs or the sticks or whatever else there is. Also how many pounds of chlorine will I go through in the summer running the pump for 12 hours a day. Any other pool tips or chemical advice would be greatly appreciated.

You definetly DO have to chlorinate a private residential pool, otherwise you will very quickly have a swamp rather than a swimming pool. Go with the 3" tabs, they dissolve less quickly so you won't have to add tabs but about every one to two weeks ( I have some pools on my route that I only have to add once a month). As far as how much to buy, as with everything, the more you buy the more you save. It does not expire so if you have some left at the end of the season, just store until the next.

As far as other tips, the key to keeping a nice pool if preventative maintenance ( as with any investment).
I recommend taking one day a week (only an hour or so) and perform maintenance:
*clean the water line (with a tile/vinyl cleaner from your local pool store)
*Remove large debris from bottom of pool with a leaf rake (large deep net that attaches to the end of telescopic pole)
*empty skimmer and pump baskets
*vacuum pool
*clean filter according to filter type (backwash sand filter, *clean cartridge elements in cartridge filter, and for DE backwash and recharge with DE)
*Test chemicals -- Test Chlorine and pH weekly, Total Alkalinty biweekly, and Calcium Hardness monthly.

Recommended chemical levels:
Chlorine: 1-5 ppm
pH: 7.2-7.6
Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
Calcium Hardness: 200-300 ppm

In addition to chlorine, you will need to purchase other chemicals for balancing, namely Sodium Bicarbonate (for Total Alkalinity), Soda Ash (for pH), and Calcium Chloride( for calcium). If you would ever need to lower the pH, use Muriatic Acid.

You can buy these chemicals at your local pool store. They will most likely try to sell you BioGuard or some other brand of pool chemicals. The ones that I named are what we call bulk chemicals, they come in 50 lb. bags and are much less expensive. They are the exact same thing, you're just not paying for advertisement. Again they do not go bad, so you can save them for years. Just make sure you store chemicals out of the elements.

I recommend getting yourself a good test kit (the best is made by Taylor). Do not use test strips as they are difficult to read and often wrong.

I see that you are in michigan. If you happen to be near the Saginaw/ Bay City area there is a great company there called Cherokee Pools. They have a retail store and also do service if you would ever need any repair work done.( My husband got his start with them years ago and we now own our own business in Myrtle Beach).

If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer them.

Maintenance on an inground pool?


I have never owned an inground pool and am looking to purchase a home that has one. However, I don't know anything about how much money, trouble, and effort it takes to keep one up, as far as maintenance. Please give me a clue...?

Keeping water in it helps, you also need to keep the water stabilized, proper PH, chlorine level, acidity etc. You will need to clean the filter or replace the media, which ever the case maybe, every 2-6 weeks or so depending on usage, if its screened in etc. It will also need to be vacuumed or you will have to get an automatic pool cleaner (which requires maintenance of its own). And eventually you will need to resurface your pool or deck, repair tile, replace your pool pump and filter, repair broken return or intake lines, repair the lighting. If you live in a climate where if freezes you will have to winterize your pool, whatever that entails. You also have to deal with homeowners insurance rules and local laws concerning safety fences, alarms and other things, I am sure I am forgetting something.

I don't mean to scare's pretty easy to do most of these things, I spend about 1.5 hours a week at the most on my pool, and it is affordable if you do it yourself. If you don't want to do the weekly maintenance yourself get a pool service, in my area of Florida it is about $15-$20 a week and they check all of the water quality perimeters and add the appropriate chemicals (that you supply) and vacuum.

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Jumat, 06 September 2013

What is the best way to remove leaves and rocks from the deep end of a swimming pool?

automatic swimming pool cleaning equipment on swimming pool equipment PVC liner automatic cleaner, View swimming ...
automatic swimming pool cleaning equipment image


My swimming poos is surrounded by three palm trees. As the wind blows, I get the long leaves in the pool. Also, the surrounding area is covered by decorative rock. I have tried the net, automatic pool cleaner, manually sucking them out with the pool equipment. Usually I have one of the kids swim to the bottom of the pool to get them out. Is there a better way?

a pool cover and reel would help with the leaves.a solar cover is fairly reasonable and the reel would make it easier to for the rocks the kid retrieval system seems to may want to see about removing the rocks from around the pool,especially if you have a vinyl liner.good luck

Swimming pool regulator valves?


I recently got a new automatic pool cleaner for my pool and it came with a few extras like a bunch of new hoses and a regulator valve that you connect to the the weir. What I'd like to know is whether these regulator valves actually do anything besides tell you how strong the suction is from your pool pump, and if so, what else do they do?

Depending on the model you purchased, the extra equipment will have a different function. You should include all the relative information like make and model and double-check the instruct manuals.

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which automatic pool cleaner is better, kreepy krauly or polaris?

my automatic pool cleaner not moving on listen to my prayer and my request, because I am your servant. Lord my ...
my automatic pool cleaner not moving image


i need to buy an auotmatic pool cleaner. i've heard some bad things about the polaris and i'm thinking of going with the kreepy krauly instead. has anyone used these? which one will last longer and work better?

Two different animals. Kreepy is a suctiom side cleaner. Polaris is pressure side. Polaris makes a bunch of models. Choosing which one is best for you is a challenge in itself. (Polaris also makes a suction side unit, by the way.) Personally I much prefer Kreepy over Polaris. It is simpler. Has one moving part. Easier to repair. Average repair is much cheaper than Polaris. Frankly, when I had my pool store I finally quit selling Polaris products. I wasn't happy with the overall quality of the units. Every one I sold became more of a liability for the store. I'd opt for Kreepy if I were you.

My pool cleaner is taking water in, but it is not moving or cleaning anything?


My pool cleaner was working just fine, but today I noticed it wasn't moving or cleaning at all. So, realized is socking water in but it is not moving, cleaning or doing anything. How could i fix this problem?
Thanks for your help. I would appreciate it very much!!! :)

heres a page with a few tips on troubleshooting automatic pool cleaners:

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what is the best above ground automatic pool cleaner?

what is the best automatic pool cleaner for above ground pools on Above ground swimming pools, Barbados above-ground pool
what is the best automatic pool cleaner for above ground pools image

chris j

now i have a barracuda zippy. it worked ok for a while and now its just dead. i need one that get the leaves and minor debris off the bottom of the pool. automatic just put it in and let it run lol.
will the bug actually pick up leaves and stuff as small as dirt?

I've had the Aqua Bug for 2 years & I love it.

Asking price for a 27 foot above ground swimming pool?

Dain K

I have a 27 foot above ground swimming pool (3 years old) that I am trying to sell. It is in very good condition with a pump/filter, solar and winter covers, and accessories such stairs and automatic cleaner. The liner is fine now, but it may need to be replaced when torn down, but no idea. Is $1500 too much to ask? $1000? $500? I'm clueless on this.

Dain, i already answered your question on this with your other question when you referred to your pool as a 24 foot Round pool.

I gave it a second thought after posting, and seeing this message, IF you want to sell your pool, or get rid of it, you might want to post an ad for used pool equipment. A Pump/motor usually goes for 3-400 bucks, and the filter could be a few hundred more, but the equipment is used, so if you get someone to buy it for 500 dollars you should consider yourself lucky. Place an add for the equipment, and as a bonus they can have the pool for free. you might get a taker, But refer to my other message where i talked about liability. You don't want to be held responsible when the pool leaves your yard, so should something happen in 2 weeks, whether it is faultyequipment or improper installation, just make sure you dont get caught up in it.

It makes no sense to try and make a few bucks back on your pool that is 3 years old, and then by some string of bad luck, have someone come knocking on your door looking for damages because the ladder or steps failed and someone got injured. Sure it could be from the new owner installing equipment improperly, and you have no control over it, But is it really worth the hassle? Sell your used equipment, people will buy it. Especially now where people are going to have equipment failures and problems from the past winter, and dismantle your pool and put it on the side of the road, i guarantee someone will load it and take it away, even if there is no equipment.

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Kamis, 05 September 2013

What automatic pool vacuum works the best?

the best automatic pool cleaner on best pool cleaner swimming pool cleaners automatic pool cleaners best ...
the best automatic pool cleaner image


I want to buy an automatic pool cleaner and researched many. I came to a conclusion to either get a Polaris or Hayward. I saw many Haywards for sale on eBay and they complained that it gets stuck because of the shape of their pool. So now I am looking to get a Polaris 280. Can anyone explain the difference between Polaris 280, 360, 380, and basically all the numbers? I just need a pool vacuum that will do the job without me having to interfere with it.

Above ground pool or in-ground pool.
If it is an above ground pool, go for the Hayward BUG.
In-ground pool cleaners, I would have to say Hayward or Kreepy .
The fewer working parts the better.
All of these robots can get stuck, in some pools.

How do i use the manual pool cleaner for my inground pool?


How should i set the skimmer/pool drain valves? Should i turn off the pool drain and have all the water being sucked from one skimmer? or keep both skimmers sucking in water and leave the drain off?

Our automatic pool cleaner is not working correctly and i have never had to manually clean the pool before :-/

Skimmer/drain valve to all skimmer and then all suction to only one skimmer. This provides the maximum possible suction for the pool vac. If that turns out to be so much suction that it is hard to push the vac across the pool floor, then adjust the valve to allow a little suction at the other skimmer.

There isn't really a standard design for in ground pools - they have different configurations of drains, skimmers, pumps, filters. You find what works for yours and go with that.

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Has anyone used an automatic pool cleaner on an endless pool swim spa?

jet vac automatic pool cleaner on Swimming Pool Vacuums, Pool Vacuum Heads, Vacuum Hoses, PoolBlaster
jet vac automatic pool cleaner image


Just wondering if anyone has tried connecting one of the aquabot type pool cleaners up on an "endless pool"?

This "endless pool" what we call a jet pool? You swim against the current, it's about 8 feet long? If so, nope, why would you? It's like getting out an industrial shop vac to pick up a grain of sand. There's not enough of the pool for one to vac. Likely as well, it wouldn't do a great job. Too tight a space for their turning radius.
This was a joke, right?

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Orb pool chemical system - how does it work?

automatic pool cleaner for sale on ... HD Commercial Automatic Pool Cleaner with Caddy NE270 - American Sale
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The sales person was telling me that it releases copper into the water & keeps the pool cleaner than just adding regular chlorine. We already have metals in our water (city water) & I am concerned about the liner turning orange. The guy said if you have a gunite pool it will turn it blue. What are ingredients of the chemical used in the orb. Does the Orb release copper or does it just hold the chemical &the chemical releases copper? Is the Orb system on cleaning your pool, better than just adding regular chlorine to a floaty thing? Are there any complaints about the Orb system?
What product do you suggest to use, so as not to fade or color the liner?
Thank you so much in advance for taking the time out to read & answer my questions.

I am not familiar with the Orb pool chemical system in particular but, If you know your source water has metals in it stay away form any chemicals that contain copper. You will eventually have staining of the pool liner and discolored water. Copper usually shows up as a blue/green stain. It is recommended not to use a floater in a vinyl liner pool. There is a chance that it could sink and bleach the liner. It is a small chance admittedly, but a chance not worth taking and needing to replace your liner. I highly suggest installing an automatic chlorinator like one of these .
and use regular chlorine tablets in the chlorinator. This is safe for your liner, will reduce the frequency to refill the chlorinator and can be adjusted to maintain a steady level of chlorine by turning a control knob on the chlorinator. Have your pool water tested for metals, you may need to add a stain preventative to help remove the copper already in the fill water. Be diligent in keeping you water chemistry in the proper ranges and you will have no adverse effects from the copper in your fill water.

What's the best automatic pool cleaner?

Laura T

I need an automatic pool cleaner, what's my best choise for no more than $200

From past experience and I assume this is an inground vinyl pool, Kreepy Krauly offers the best bang for the buck and you ought to be able to find one on sale around your budget.They're pretty bullet proof and do a good job.
If this is an in ground concrete pool, you'll need to budget a little more. Kreepy will work, but you'll run through pleats if your finish is rough.
If this is an above ground, something like a Polaris 65 would fit your budget and do a good job for that type of pool.

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what is best automatic pool cleaner vaccuum for in ground pool?

automatic pool cleaner kreepy krauly on Opening Procedures For In-ground pools
automatic pool cleaner kreepy krauly image

john p

i know some have their own filter and some use the pools filter, but im looking for a low maintenance, inexpensive and good cleaning unit without alot of parts that break. anyone like the polaris 165?

Depends on wether you get mostly leaves or dirt.
If you get lots of leaves,a pressure side cleaner like polaris or hayward viper is best
If you get mostly dirt,then I would say a suction cleaner like a kreepy krauly or hayward navigator

What is the best automatic pool cleaner (sweeper)?

Terry N

I have an inground pool and hate to vacuum the pool. What is the best one out there?

The absolute best would be a booster pump powered Polaris, any model. If your budget doesn't allow spending 1800 bucks then my vote is for both the Kreepy Krauly and the Hayward Navigator. Both have their strengths and weaknesses and a lot will depend if this is a concrete or vinyl pool. Kreepy's have a tendency to plow through just about anything, but they also tend to get stuck on many pool shapes unless you purchase the optional back up device for them. The Navigators don't tend to get stuck, but they are also not as adept at climbing walls or powering through heavy debris.

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Rabu, 04 September 2013

What is the difference between in ground and above ground cleaner?

best automatic pool cleaner inground on ... Pool Cleaner Review | Best Automatic Pool Cleaners|Pool Cleaners
best automatic pool cleaner inground image


I am looking for an automatic pool cleaner, but i found out that there are two type. one is in ground and one is abover ground. I dont know what's the different between the two.

It's referring to the type of pool you have. Above-ground cleaners mainly cover the bottom of the pool. Since the sides in most inground pools have either curves or slopes between the floor and the walls, (above-ground pools usually have right angles) the cleaners are generally able to climb the walls and clean them as well. (And, generally there will be a big price difference between the two types; in-ground cleaners generally cost a lot more.

What is the best automatic pool cleaner (sweeper)?

Terry N

I have an inground pool and hate to vacuum the pool. What is the best one out there?

The absolute best would be a booster pump powered Polaris, any model. If your budget doesn't allow spending 1800 bucks then my vote is for both the Kreepy Krauly and the Hayward Navigator. Both have their strengths and weaknesses and a lot will depend if this is a concrete or vinyl pool. Kreepy's have a tendency to plow through just about anything, but they also tend to get stuck on many pool shapes unless you purchase the optional back up device for them. The Navigators don't tend to get stuck, but they are also not as adept at climbing walls or powering through heavy debris.

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Are there online instructions for swimming pool maintenance?

automatic pool cleaners online on Suction Cleaners : 1 Stop Pool Supply - Your Online Source for ...
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I use an Aqualux system. For the last three years I have done nothing but keep the pH level balanced. Very easy.

(From the site)
Finally a few tips for effective pool care:

Dust, leaves and debris blown in by the wind quickly spoil the look of a pool, while the suntan oils, make-up, sweat from the constant use of swimmers escaping the heat, also mar the purity of the water.

Firstly, clean all the leaves and debris out of the leaf traps both in the weir and the sludge trap, because if water cannot flow to the filter, it cannot be filtered.

Do a good backwash. To get the filter reasonably clean one must backwash for at least 3 minutes followed by a 1 minute rinse. If backwash was not done for a couple of weeks, repeat this process twice.

The next step is to carry out the necessary water tests and correct pH if necessary. It is important to remember that correctly balanced water creates an unfavourable environment for bacteria to grow in.

Next, water level. The water level of the pool should be checked regularly. Dirt and leaves will not skim off into the weir if the level is not correct. If the water level sinks more rapidly than experienced with normal evaporation the pool floor and walls should be checked for cracks.

If an automatic pool cleaner is used it should not run continuously. It is just a water vacuum cleaner and therefore should only be used when the floor and the walls of the pool are dirty. The top 25cm (approx. 10 inches) of water is the area where bacteria flourishes and this water will not be filtered if the
cleaner is continuously in use.

Leaves and debris, not skimmed automatically because the pool cleaner is in constant use, become waterlogged and drop to the floor of the pool. Most pool cleaners have a pulverising action and when the debris is sucked up it becomes a sludge which dirties the filter sand much more quickly.

It is essential to run the filter for at least eight hours every day.

With an automatic pool cleaner this should be increased to twelve hours because of the restricted water flow through the pool cleaner and hoses.

Automatic in ground pool vacuum?

Jessica Ra

Hello everyone,

I was wondering which automatic in ground pool vacuum is good for cleaning?

I am looking for something cheap and reliable, anyone have any experience with some good vacuum cleaners which does the job.


i own a pool company and your better automatic pool vaccums would be either a polaris or a creepy crawly but you can get them cheaper online then in a pool store. look under pool companies

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what is the best automatic pool cleaner for a fiberglass pool?

which automatic pool cleaner to buy on Pool Fence, Pool Fencing - Best Buy Pool Supply
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I am wondering what is the best pool cleaner for a fiberglass pool, i have heard many different opinions from stores trying to sell their products, some say baracuda X7 is the best then another store said no way for a fiberglass pool, that i should use polaris. Anyone have any input? what are my options?

i own a pool company.and have seen many different auto pool cleaners.( 13 years) and by far a polaris would be your best bet.however you would be better off if you by one online as it is cheaper.look for SWIMMING POOL DEALERS. buying one online you cut out the middle man because of the price mark up they have.if you go to a pool store expect to pay a thousand 1000.00 dollars or it online most of the time it is cheaper

what's the best automatic pool cleaner money can buy?


Looking for a good pool cleaner, low on maintenence but high on effectiveness.

For suction side cleaners I like the Kreepy Krauly. For pressure side I'd go with Letro Legend.

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Senin, 02 September 2013

What's the best automatic pool cleaner?

automatic pool cleaner for concrete pool on StarzTruck Automatic Suction Side Pool Cleaner for Concrete Pools ...
automatic pool cleaner for concrete pool image

Laura T

I need an automatic pool cleaner, what's my best choise for no more than $200

From past experience and I assume this is an inground vinyl pool, Kreepy Krauly offers the best bang for the buck and you ought to be able to find one on sale around your budget.They're pretty bullet proof and do a good job.
If this is an in ground concrete pool, you'll need to budget a little more. Kreepy will work, but you'll run through pleats if your finish is rough.
If this is an above ground, something like a Polaris 65 would fit your budget and do a good job for that type of pool.

does anyone know the average price for an in-ground pool. Nothing large, just maybe a wading pool?

Maxine B

i am building a new home and want to ad a pool

For a real pool, It's going to be about $250 to $280 per perimeter foot of pool and this will include plumbing, filter, automatic pool cleaner, and electrical work plus about 400 sq ft of concrete decking.

Landscaping your yard won't be included nor will a fence. Most pool contractors subcontract to the same small group of subcontractors in your immediate area so their prices will all be pretty close when you start to compare.

Consider getting a saltwater pool; you may find your contractor will give you the equipment for free. The advantage is cost; you'll save a bundle on chemicals in the long run. And no, it won't be like the ocean. The salinity will be about the same as your eye which means you can barely taste it and you won't feel it when you open your eyes under water.

The hidden cost of a pool is the electricity. Be prepared to fork over about $80 to $100 per month on your pool on electricity alone.

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what's the best automatic pool cleaner money can buy?

automatic pool cleaner kreepy krauly on Kreepy Krauly Classic Inground Automatic Pool Suction-Side Cleaner ...
automatic pool cleaner kreepy krauly image


Looking for a good pool cleaner, low on maintenence but high on effectiveness.

For suction side cleaners I like the Kreepy Krauly. For pressure side I'd go with Letro Legend.

what is best automatic pool cleaner vaccuum for in ground pool?

john p

i know some have their own filter and some use the pools filter, but im looking for a low maintenance, inexpensive and good cleaning unit without alot of parts that break. anyone like the polaris 165?

Depends on wether you get mostly leaves or dirt.
If you get lots of leaves,a pressure side cleaner like polaris or hayward viper is best
If you get mostly dirt,then I would say a suction cleaner like a kreepy krauly or hayward navigator

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Does the baracuda g3 inground pool cleaner work?

automatic pool cleaner parts on Lower Body White Automatic Cleaners Hayward Axv230Dwh CLEANERS
automatic pool cleaner parts image


I'm looking for an automatic pool cleaner to save time, does this cleaner work? It normally retails for around $400 and it is on sale for $200. Is it worth the money?

They work. The only thing I'm not fond of on any of the Barracuda's is the diaphragm that is part of it's propulsion system. They tend to wear out and require replacement on a yearly basis. Barracuda used to offer that part as a free warranty one, dunno if they still do.
I'm more of a Kreepy Krauly fan myself, they're a bit more robust and do the same job but if you're getting a G3 for 200 bucks, that's a steal.

Which pool cleaner should I get?

Jake S.

My pool is about 18 x 45 and I need an automatic pool cleaner, the inside is concrete and I am wondering which one is the best. There are just way to many to find out which one to get. Please help, thanks in advance.

depends on wether you get mostly dirt or mostly leaves and large debris.

for dirt,suction type cleaners are the best:kreepy krauly is my favorite not many parts....some people like hayward navigator and sta rite pool shark

for leaves and large debris,a pressure type cleaner such as polaris or viper is good...they have bags which trap debris

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