Sabtu, 12 April 2014

transition from pool man to vacum pool cleaner?!?!?


we have an average in ground pool and currently have a pool man we want an automatic? vacum? cleaner that would clean the pool...the promblem is we dont know how much it generally costs and is it a long pricy transition?

I've seen several in action, personally I recommend the "Kreepy Krauly". It's a good, mid-priced ($400) pool cleaner that works off your pools pump. Keep in mind you will have to replace parts now and then so budget about $50+ yearly for that. Make sure your local pool supply shop carries parts for whatever model you decide on. You will need to brush the pool surface and perform some manual cleaning now and then but for the most part the cleaner will take care of everything. No difficult transition, 1. install cleaner, 2. fire pool guy. Here is a link comparing the major cleaners:

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transition from pool man to vacum pool cleaner?!?!?


we have an average in ground pool and currently have a pool man we want an automatic? vacum? cleaner that would clean the pool...the promblem is we dont know how much it generally costs and is it a long pricy transition?

I've seen several in action, personally I recommend the "Kreepy Krauly". It's a good, mid-priced ($400) pool cleaner that works off your pools pump. Keep in mind you will have to replace parts now and then so budget about $50+ yearly for that. Make sure your local pool supply shop carries parts for whatever model you decide on. You will need to brush the pool surface and perform some manual cleaning now and then but for the most part the cleaner will take care of everything. No difficult transition, 1. install cleaner, 2. fire pool guy. Here is a link comparing the major cleaners:

automatic pool cleaners.?


I need to know which pool cleaner is the best. There are so many different kinds. Barracuda G3, Zodiac G4, Hayward ultra pool vacumn, Kreepy Krauly, I just want to know which is the best, for a good price

also they come out with a thing called a floatron that eliminates need for chemicals by putting electrons in the water it is solar powered and lifetime warranty
it works great i bought one 2 years ago and never bought chemicals again ( about 300 dollars but it pays for itself)

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Over 300psi pressure in my Purex 3-cartridge pool filter blew cover off the canister.Filters were Clean. Why?


The pressure gage was pegged/stuck at 300psi. Previously under same conditions, i.e. clean filters, the pressure gage burst. This gage had a maximum of 60psi. On another occasion the 3/4" circulating lines that are about 2 feet below the pool water surface jettisoned water about 3 feet above the water surface for several seconds. Does anybody sell automatic (say 50 psi) pressure relief valves to prevent such dangerous operation? Can power disturbances-high voltage/frequency swings create such dangerous conditions? Being an electrical engineer I know that motor torque increases with increase with voltage and that motor speed increases with increase in frequency. These increases then can cause the pump to push more water through and if the water lines cannot handle the volume the result then could cause dangerous pressure to develop.

You must have some form of restriction in the outlet from the cartridge canister to cause such a pressure build up. Check that there is nothing floating around loose that could block the outlet. Are the outlet hoses flexible or rigid, sometimes the inner lining of a flexible hos can separate and block the hose. The idea that power frequency fluctuations would speed the motor up can be ruled out as if the frequency fluctuated enought to cause that to happen the Power Station Generators/transformers etc would all have tripped way before it could happen.

With the power behind kitchenaid mixer motors, why do you think they do not turn off when the head is tilted?


I just tried to remove an attachment from a Kitchen Aid mixer and, not realizing what button/knob to push to loosen the attachment, turned it on with my hand on it. It yanked my hand pretty good and luckily damage was not worse but the whole incident makes me question...

The motor inside the mixer is (and needs to be) very powerful. Why on earth hasn't Kitchen Maid added a safety switch to the tilt head so that the mixer cannot be powered when the head is tilted up? Is there some need to have the motor on with the head tilted? I've seen plenty of power tools with far less power which have far more safety designed into the product.
While I appreciate Tom's answer below, there are a few things I take issue with.

1. Virtually every engineer, executive, secretary or janitor working for Kitchen Aid knows the following:

a. Most owners of the mixer will NOT unplug the unit each and every time attachments are changed.

b. All members of a household in which a mixer is present will not have read the entire operating manual.

c. People often make mistakes for a large variety of reasons.


2. Error-proofing the mixer such that the motor cannot run when attachments are being changes is entirely possible.

After working extensively with both American and Asian automakers, one of many cultural difference I've noticed is what Tom stated. The Asians do not look at error-proofing and think "it can't be done," they look at it and think "it can be done, and if it is already being done, it can be done better."

Anyway, I digress. From reading this I think the answers to my question
I also find it amusing that electric mixers are a top contender when I search for "most dangerous kitchen appliances." Maybe it simply is because engineers cannot and will not make them safer.

It's impossible to idiot proof everything. Why would you work on any power equipment with power still applied? Especially since the operating manual specifically says never to do that.
You have a large brain that should be sufficient to protect you from this sort of mishap.
You're essentially asking how to protect you from yourself. Can't be done.

It's not a defect... you ignored the instructions. It's like crawling under a car when all that's holding it up is the jack and you didn't place jack stands like you're supposed to. Ignore the common sense part and no one can or will protect you.

BTW, what power tool with far less power has more safety designed into it? Hand drills are very powerful but there is nothing to keep them from energizing while changing bits. Same with my drill press. Nothing to keep it from starting while I have a chuck key inserted.
Can't get any safer than disconnecting power... like you were instructed to.

Direct from Kitchenaid:
"When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be
followed including the following:
1. Read all instructions.
2. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not put mixer in water or other
3. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children.
4. Unplug from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off parts, and
before cleaning."

So what I am noticing is that you speak in generalities. You still haven't named that power tool with far more safety build into it, that you mentioned.
As far as pulling the Asian vs. American mentality card, that's a crock. Easy to say, but you can't support the statement other than with your own anecdotal statement. Nonetheless, this is NOT AN ENGINEERING problem or issue. An interlock would be easy. So would unplugging the machine before you monkey with it, but you didn't do that. The latter is less expensive and more practical.
Guess what would happen if there were an interlock and it failed? You'd be wanting to sue. I'm not so sure you're not intimating that already with this supposed "design defect".
Learn your lesson already... keep your finger out of the light socket. (there's no interlock there, either)

Your statements about what "most owners" will or will not do are also unfounded and unsubstantiated. You made that up, too.
If you can't/don't follow instructions then THAT'S YOUR FAULT. Period.

I'm sick and tired of this mentality. Space heaters burn down homes all the time. So do matches. Or is is people using space heaters and matches that burn things down?
A car can be put into forward gear and the throttle stepped on even if when there's a store front full of people in front of you. GASP! Why aren't engineers doing something about that?? Surely the Asians have noticed this looming danger and are all over it!

The MOST dangerous thing in your kitchen is YOU. The fact that you and most of your friends (not most people) choose to ignore instructions, warnings, and cautions actually gives me hope for humanity as some of those genes will soon be removed from the pool.

Maybe all applicances should also have GFI built INTO them in case some idiot who wants to make toast next to his hot tub plugs it into an extension cord that's not on a GFI circuit?
Maybe toasters should have automatic doors on them to keep people from sticking butter knives into them while they're plugged in?
You getting the point yet? Probably not.

The bottom line, that you don't like and won't accept, is that there is NO TREND of people being injured by their stand mixers. The mixers that are the most dangerous are the hand and wand mixers with high-speed exposed blades. (you failed to research that before you listed "electric mixers" as a dangerous kitchen appliance) Perhaps that's the part that amused you.

Get a grip and stop blaming everyone for not protecting you from yourself. It can't be done and should not be done.
You couldn't figure out which button to press so you fumbled with it plugged in. Not good.... and contrary to what you were told not to do.

Here's another: Don't drive on the left side of the road in the US. It's not safe. There is nothing to stop you from doing this, even though the car has a lot of power. Just don't do it.

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Jumat, 11 April 2014

What is the best automatic pool cleaner?


I have a below ground pool and am trying to find reviews on automatic pool cleaners. Consumer Reports doesn't seem to have anything on the subject :( Can anyone lend some insight and perspective on automatic pool cleaners and make a recommendation? Much thanks in advance.

Suction-Side Automatic Pool Cleaners

In researching suction-side cleaners, weâve found that the Stanley PoolTec DLX In-Ground Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaner is the newest and most innovative way to keep your pool clean. The trusted brand of Stanley, with its master craftsmanship and innovative design provides a cleaner that is easy to install and operate and provides continuous cleaning of most in-ground pools. Operating with your poolâs filter, this suction cleaning mechanism maintains a proper angle for optimal performance while cleaning pools with depths of 9 ft.

Pressure-Side Automatic Pool Cleaners

If you are looking for a pressure-side cleaner and you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, we recommend the Kreepy Krauly Legend cleaner from Pentair. A host of design features combine to keep the Legend cleaner on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours. The debris channel and large intake throat handles leaves, twigs and other large debris with ease. The Front-wheel drive generates maximum traction on inclined surfaces for total coverage of pool bottom and walls. The independent booster pump helps provide optimum cleaning power and unimpeded surface skimming. Another great feature is that disposable cleaner bags are also availableâno need to empty or touch debris again.

Robotic / Electronic Automatic Pool Cleaners

Many consumers are now selecting incredibly efficient robotic units as their cleaners of choice. These are great at cleaning small debris and sand as well as one of the only types that clean and scrub the walls and tile line. The Dolphin Supreme M3 and M4 from Maytronics are great options for robotic cleaners. These award-winning models have features that are designed for customers and are backed by the Maytronics name which has provided 25 years of technological leadership. Not only are Dolphin M3 and M4 energy efficient (average cost of less than $0.15 to clean the pool), but they have weekly timers where a user can preset cleanings throughout the week.

Here are some more links to more information. I hope this helps.

Clean pool?

Q. Okay, so I have this giant inground pool. I've had it for a few years (previous owners built it). Every time I open it, it is all green with algae. I know this will happen, but it takes me over 2 weeks to clean! It's only supposed to take a few days, one week at the most! I bought a new filter last year and it is still green. I always scrub it with an algae scrubber and vacuum the pool (p.s. what's the correct way to vacuum an inground pool?). I have the proper chemicals added too. What can I do to help clean it up faster?

I hope this isn't too long of an answer, but I hope it helps!

Adding the proper chemicals is what you should be doing, however you also need to make sure those chemicals are in proper balance with each other. Make sure your chlorine levels are where they should be and, more importantly, that they stay there.

Do you cover your pool in the winter? I don't cover mine; cleaning my pool is a year-round process. That means I'm not very familiar with cleaning techniques during winter if you do cover it, but I don't think that cleaning algae out of it is something you should have to do every year.

Sustaining circulation is also a good way to keep algae from clinging to the sides of your pool. Once they attach, they grow and spread quickly. Our pump runs for at least a few hours, every day...unless we go on a day trip out of town. I've also had my pump break down on me a few times where I had 0 circulation in my pool and within a week, my pool water went from a little cloudy to looking like green mud.

Are you familiar with backwashing? Diatomaceous earth (DE)? Sand? Backwashing is flushing your filter screens (in the pump) of small contaminants like dirt and algae particles. DE and sand is the filter aid you use that coats the screens of your filter to keep the stuff from getting re-deposited into your pool via the jets. Just look at the manufacturer's label on the pump and it should tell you what kind of filter you have; this should tell you what kind of filter aid it uses.

As for a "correct" way to vacuum, well there's really no right and wrong way to do it. There's automatic skimmer vacuums you can buy that get propulsion from your pump, and there's manual ones where you do it all yourself. The automatic ones will be pricier of course, but if you don't like breaking out in sweats or standing in bitter cold wind to operate a manual one, they can be life-savers.

Any questions you have can be directed to your local pool supply store; I prefer Leslie's myself, if you have one You can buy water test kits there; you dunk a test strip in the water and check where your chemical levels are so if any of them are off, they can be corrected. However, most places like this will also test a sample of the water you bring to their store and will offer advice.

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Kamis, 10 April 2014

What is the best automatic pool cleaner?


I have a below ground pool and am trying to find reviews on automatic pool cleaners. Consumer Reports doesn't seem to have anything on the subject :( Can anyone lend some insight and perspective on automatic pool cleaners and make a recommendation? Much thanks in advance.

Suction-Side Automatic Pool Cleaners

In researching suction-side cleaners, weâve found that the Stanley PoolTec DLX In-Ground Automatic Pool Vacuum Cleaner is the newest and most innovative way to keep your pool clean. The trusted brand of Stanley, with its master craftsmanship and innovative design provides a cleaner that is easy to install and operate and provides continuous cleaning of most in-ground pools. Operating with your poolâs filter, this suction cleaning mechanism maintains a proper angle for optimal performance while cleaning pools with depths of 9 ft.

Pressure-Side Automatic Pool Cleaners

If you are looking for a pressure-side cleaner and you want your pool cleaned quickly and completely, we recommend the Kreepy Krauly Legend cleaner from Pentair. A host of design features combine to keep the Legend cleaner on the move, thoroughly cleaning most pools in just 1 to 3 hours. The debris channel and large intake throat handles leaves, twigs and other large debris with ease. The Front-wheel drive generates maximum traction on inclined surfaces for total coverage of pool bottom and walls. The independent booster pump helps provide optimum cleaning power and unimpeded surface skimming. Another great feature is that disposable cleaner bags are also availableâno need to empty or touch debris again.

Robotic / Electronic Automatic Pool Cleaners

Many consumers are now selecting incredibly efficient robotic units as their cleaners of choice. These are great at cleaning small debris and sand as well as one of the only types that clean and scrub the walls and tile line. The Dolphin Supreme M3 and M4 from Maytronics are great options for robotic cleaners. These award-winning models have features that are designed for customers and are backed by the Maytronics name which has provided 25 years of technological leadership. Not only are Dolphin M3 and M4 energy efficient (average cost of less than $0.15 to clean the pool), but they have weekly timers where a user can preset cleanings throughout the week.

Here are some more links to more information. I hope this helps.

what is best automatic pool cleaner vaccuum for in ground pool?

john p

i know some have their own filter and some use the pools filter, but im looking for a low maintenance, inexpensive and good cleaning unit without alot of parts that break. anyone like the polaris 165?

Depends on wether you get mostly leaves or dirt.
If you get lots of leaves,a pressure side cleaner like polaris or hayward viper is best
If you get mostly dirt,then I would say a suction cleaner like a kreepy krauly or hayward navigator

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Anyone have a Hayward Viper Pool Cleaner that doesn't work well?

Man in the

I've got a year old Hayward Viper pool cleaner that stops after about 5 minutes. Pressure is fine, had internals check. Any ideas?

heres a link with a few tips on automatic cleaners...maybe one will fix your problem:

Do you know how hard these above ground POOLS are to keep clean? How much do the chemicals cost? What brand is


the best to buy? Did you put sand under yours?

I've had a pool all my life and enjoy every second of it!

If you manually clean your pool you shouldn't spend more than 1-1 1/2 hours per week on it - thats it! I spend 1-2 min per day just testing the water and keeping my chemicals balanced. The majority of my time is cleaning the bottom. I purchased the Hayward Aqua Bug which is an automatic cleaner and it cleans my pool for me! The best $120 I ever spent! All I do is skim the top of the pool and hop in! I spend MAYBE 30 min per week total doing everything!

As far as chemicals - I use Bleach, Borax and Baking soda! Plain unscented bleach will sanitize your pool just the same as the expensive shock or chlorine you buy at the pool stores. I'll post the websites that will help you!

Good Luck

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Rabu, 09 April 2014

If You Ran out Of Money What Would You Do?


Assume this:

You are an unemployed video editor who has done stage and prop construction, but can't find a job because NOBODY in Hollywood is hiring.

You have to pay rent and bills, but are totally out of cash. You've even applied at Taco Bell and Walmart, but THEY WON'T HIRE YOU!

Now you're depressed and late on your rent with bills to pay and have almost maxed your credit card.

What would you do to survive?

Is it possible for you to do some work for a wedding photographer editing videos? If you have equipment can you freelance at some local events? Can do do carpentry- aka prop construction- for someone?
Yard work?Babysitting? Pool Cleaning?
I would assume you have already made all possible cuts in expenditures to your lifestyle, but review it again.
Lastly, start figuring out a backup plan.Can you move in with family for example till you are back on your feet.
Good Luck!

Lifeguarding Orientation?? Help!!?


What do they do in lifeguarding orientation? Should I review my training skills or not. Will they make me deminstrate scenios or not... How can I be prepared for it???

Most lifeguard orientations are centered around the facility, you will be shown where everything is, how to fill out your time sheet, and other general hiring practices like tax forms. You may also be trained in how to do chemical tests and clean depending on your facility.

I am, however a firm believer in better safe than sorry... so study up a little bit on scenarios and be sure to pack a swim suit, towel, and pocket mask with you so that if they do want to do scenarios you are prepared. Mostly when pools do testing prior to hiring they either have special circumstances (a 14 foot deep pool) or want to see how lifeguards will react in some situations. This can range from having you perform in a scenario or simply talk through one at a desk.

Be confident, and even if you do not perform perfectly always be open to correction and ask for guidance if needed. If you are still worried about it, call the pool where you are having orientation and simply ask them what equipment you will need to bring. Ask, "will I need a swimsuit during orientation? does my first shift start during this orientation? will there be scenarios/skill testing?" These are questions that employers will be happy to answer and even happier that their future staff members had the fore thought to ask... Good Luck!

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Selasa, 08 April 2014

New house - how do I take care of our pool?

Eric C

Details - Inground pool, approximately 70,000 gallons.

There's really not much detail here other than the volume. I could write a book and not cover what you need. If you post back with filter type, pool type (concrtet or vinyl), heater or no heater, type of sanitizer being used and any automatic pool cleaners, it would be helpful. There's simply too many things to cover other than basic water chemistry. I usually suggest to new home owners that they get a pool service guy in once, to give them waht our company calls pool 101's. Many service companies will do this for you and it won't cost much more than a service call (50 bucks). You'll get a personalized lesson, that's good for your specific set up and equipment. Take notes and if possible videotape the lesson. Hey, don't laugh, I think I'm starring in over 100 home videos by now. This way you can review what you've learned.
I'll go over some basics, common to most pools.
1/ check your chemistry at least once week. Total alkalinity 80-120 , Ph 7.2- 7.6, Cl or Br 1.0 -3.0. Always adjust your TA before trying to adjust anything else contrary to what I see in some of these posts ( still giggling, little wonder people's pools go green)
2/ Vac out the pool on at least a weekly basis. Keeping it clean helps lower your overall chemical expenditures.
3/ Clean out you pump and skimmer baskets on at least a weekly basis and same goes for whatever filter system you are using, unless it's a DE filter, you can leave those longer.
4/ Every month or so, take a water sample into your pool shop to be tested. They test for things a typical home owner's kit doesn't. If you're developing a calcium hardness issue, total dissolved solids or a dissolved metal issue, they can nip it in the bud before any damage occurs. You should also take in a sample 2 weeks prior to closing the pool (if applicable) and within a few days of pool opening (if applicable). Helps you put the pool to bed properly and get off to a good start in spring.
That's all I can post given the info you provided. Every pool is different. I'll put this on my watch list, if you update and may be able to help further.

What do I need in order to clean a pool?


It is a heated gunite chlorine pool. I have no experience with pools.
Need to know everything from proper chemicals to cleaning equipment. The pool is already open and swimmable, I just need to keep it clean and maintain it. Possibly close the pool at the end of the season.
I don't have any equipment except for the automatic filter that is currently running.

What about those automatic pool vacuum things?
Thank you for your help
Also, if you could point me in the direction of cheaper places to buy the supplies, like online vendors. I'm in New York.

I would start out with a good water test kit, preferably a liquid drop type. I feel they are much more accurate than the test strips.
Secondly, get some pool tools: a pool pole, net, brush, vacuum (either an automatic unit or a manual vacuum head,and vacuum hose).
Then you will want chemicals. I would suggest talking about that with someone from a local pool company / store. Some chemicals work better than others based on your region.
Lastly, you might consider getting a lesson in pool care from a REPUTABLE pool service company. Check out:, or Google maps for reviews.

I personally do something like that for my customers. I call it "pool school". It generally takes about an hour or so, to go over the basics of pool care. Bring a pen and paper for note taking.

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How expensive is it to maintain an in-ground pool?

Q. We are VERY interested in a house and are seriously considering making an offer. The only thing holding me back is that the house has an inground pool. Personally, I hate inground pools. They seem like so much work, maintenance and are such a huge liability. We have small children and I just don't feel safe about it at all. Because of this, we will offer much less than what they are asking.

The sellers insist that its not that bad though. I beg to differ. Constant cleaning, all the pumps and motors and such, the items we'd have to buy to childproof it (there are none installed currently), all the chemicals and let's not forget the increase in home insurance due to the liability of the pool. So, my question to pool owners is, how much does it REALLY cost to maintain the pool?

We bought a house with an in-ground pool about 10 years ago. We also have two small children and were in the same dilema. It has been worth it. The yearly maintenance is relatively easy. If you take care of the pool, bring the filter/pump in to the house in the off season (if you live in areas that you wouldn't use it year round). We use the pool May-Oct. We have large oak trees, but the daily and weekly care is not bad. I vacuum once a week, I have an automatic chlorinator (not expensive), and the return jets are set up so that the pool skims itself. The monthly cost for chemicals is not bad, after the initial "opening" of the pool (apprx $100-150) I spend about $20 a month. The learning curve goes quickly, just find a good pool person to advise you. I spend less than 15 minutes every other day checking it, doing a quick skim or adding chlorine.
We also had big concerns with pool safety. We did two things to help. One was to teach the kids how to get to the side of the pool and hold on if they fell in, we taught them how to swim early and we put locks on the doors to the outside with an audible alarm. The pool alarm that goes in the water does not work well, not worth the money.

If you really want the house but don't want the pool you can get a safety cover, drain the pool and not use it. The cost of filling in the hole and making a lawn is relative to running it for a few years. I had a friend that had his filled.

But, the kids have used it for years, they love it, spend a lot of time in it, and learned to swim very well and to respect the water....good luck!

Asking price for a 27 foot above ground swimming pool?

Dain K

I have a 27 foot above ground swimming pool (3 years old) that I am trying to sell. It is in very good condition with a pump/filter, solar and winter covers, and accessories such stairs and automatic cleaner. The liner is fine now, but it may need to be replaced when torn down, but no idea. Is $1500 too much to ask? $1000? $500? I'm clueless on this.

Dain, i already answered your question on this with your other question when you referred to your pool as a 24 foot Round pool.

I gave it a second thought after posting, and seeing this message, IF you want to sell your pool, or get rid of it, you might want to post an ad for used pool equipment. A Pump/motor usually goes for 3-400 bucks, and the filter could be a few hundred more, but the equipment is used, so if you get someone to buy it for 500 dollars you should consider yourself lucky. Place an add for the equipment, and as a bonus they can have the pool for free. you might get a taker, But refer to my other message where i talked about liability. You don't want to be held responsible when the pool leaves your yard, so should something happen in 2 weeks, whether it is faultyequipment or improper installation, just make sure you dont get caught up in it.

It makes no sense to try and make a few bucks back on your pool that is 3 years old, and then by some string of bad luck, have someone come knocking on your door looking for damages because the ladder or steps failed and someone got injured. Sure it could be from the new owner installing equipment improperly, and you have no control over it, But is it really worth the hassle? Sell your used equipment, people will buy it. Especially now where people are going to have equipment failures and problems from the past winter, and dismantle your pool and put it on the side of the road, i guarantee someone will load it and take it away, even if there is no equipment.

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Senin, 07 April 2014

automatic pool cleaners.?


I need to know which pool cleaner is the best. There are so many different kinds. Barracuda G3, Zodiac G4, Hayward ultra pool vacumn, Kreepy Krauly, I just want to know which is the best, for a good price

also they come out with a thing called a floatron that eliminates need for chemicals by putting electrons in the water it is solar powered and lifetime warranty
it works great i bought one 2 years ago and never bought chemicals again ( about 300 dollars but it pays for itself)

What are good automatic pool cleaners for an in-ground pool?

I have a Hayward Pool Vac that works like a champ. Check out trouble free pool dot com for more discussion on this subject.

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How many Psi/Atm needed for a low pressure and a high pressure vacuum cleaners such as the Kreepy Krauler ones?


I was wondering how mch Psi/Atm needed for the high and low pressure pool vacuumes such as The Surfer Above Ground Automatic pool cleaner.
For A POOL Vacuum Cleaner (Above Ground automatic vacuum cleaner)

You can never have more than 1 atm in a vacuum system. Obviously the more vacuum you generate, the better it will clean. Most vacuum cleaners probably produce between 50-80 inches of water vacuum.

My pool vacuum wont work?


i have an above ground pool and i recently bought an automatic pool cleaner from craigslist, so it didnt come with a manual. i dont think that it is working properly because i left it in for about 2hrs and it picked up a little bit but not everything. whenever it goes over an area with bugs around it, it doesnt pick it up it just makes the debris float around the pool. this is the model i have:
somebody pleasee help!! thanks=]

Robo Kleen pool cleaners are designed for above ground pools so that is not going to be the problem. Go to the website below, find your model, and when you click on it, you should see an online version of the owners manual. That should help you out.

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