Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Does anyone have an above ground pool automatic vacuum they can recommend?

setting up automatic pool cleaner on Vortex 1 Electric Automatic Pool Cleaner �670.00
setting up automatic pool cleaner image


I have a 12 ft. easy-set intex pool and the only problem i'm having is getting the small algae particals that settle to the floor up after I've used algaecide and clarifier. I just have one of those cheap $12 vacuums and all it does is shuffle the algae around again. Can anyone recommend one and tell me approximately how much it is?

I wouldn't be without a Polaris pool cleaner. It is by far the best and we've owned several different ones.

How to run pool filter/motor?


I have a swimming pool 6 x 6 Meters 2 m height,
Yesterday a company came and clean my pool and add chemical stuffs, told me to fill it with water and in the morning they will come to activate ,run filter or motor i dont know

I paid all, but it seems they won't come back maybe theives... but anyways anyone know whats the next step to do?. how to run filter motor?.. I don't know,, I have like a big pumb thing and other one is near the water storage room with a small machine that can set filters or motor automatic... anyone can help? i don't want the water to get dirty because I wasted alot of money already .

On mine there is a toggle switch at the rear bottom of the motor. you flip it on or off and the motor starts. Turn the shaft by hand if it has set off for a extended time to make sure the impeller blades are free in the pump. They stick and you can rip them off on starting. Once started you go to the timer. look at your clock and set the time. then open the cover and move the 2 colored pegs for on at such time. then the other set to turn it off at such time. You need water above the intake before turning on the pump. and prime the pump first. On mine to do that you open the valve above the impeller house and let water out to remove the air in it.

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