Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Is it time for a reality check for people who think the universe is the answer to our problems?

No Chance

We have 6 people in space, barely....250 miles up (only 238,650 more miles to go to reach the moon)

We have 4 R/C Cars worth billions of dollars each on mars, some working some not

and a Couple of dozen satellites poncing around the solar system

We cannot fly men to another planet......even mars

We cannot colonize the moon (sending constant supplies would be drastically expensive, and harmful to the earth)

Men cannot exist in space except with what they bring with them.....(although Air and pee are cleaned and re-ingested)

and we cannot get our stuff together down here on earth to even begin to overcome these problems

Do you really think......this is ever going to happen?

Or did our intelligent designer make the universe and space in such away, to keep us here.

Do you really think you can build the tower of babel....all over again?
The Tower of Babel reference was too obtuse for some I see

NASA has contributed more to the economy then you could in a 1000 life times. Only .7% of our taxes go to NASA. Less than a penny for every tax dollar you pay.

Since their creation in 1958 NASA has spent a total of about 500 billion dollars, that's a little more than what we spend on welfare EVERY YEAR! It's also a little more than what we spend on defense EVERY YEAR!

For every $1 NASA is given, it put $8 back into the economy. So at an average of $8 billion in yearly spending, an average of 56 billion in yearly contribution to the economy, NASA has contributed around 2-3 trillion dollars to the economy.

NASA is also responsible for the majority of what we know about the universe. Not to mention the MASSIVE amount of technology we enjoy that originated from NASA. Here's a few examples:

The following is a list of NASA technology and NASA spin-off technology: Virtually all computer improvements from vacuum tubes to integrated chips came from the space program, all of the satellite technology (which is huge, without that we would have lost the cold war), hydroponic gardening led to hardier species of plants able to survive arid regions reducing hunger, Teflon, forecasting weather events, memory foam, Velcro, the microchip, gps, cell service, plasma screens, rechargeable batteries, the MRI, microwave technologies, pharma and brain cancer drug improvements, ground processing scheduling system, semiconductor cubing, structural analysis, windows visual news reader, air quality monitor, virtual reality, advanced keyboards, database management systems, laser surveying, aircraft controls, lightweight compact disc, expert system software, design graphics, enriched baby food, water purification system, scratch-resistant lenses, pool purification, ribbed swimsuit, portable coolers/warmers, athletic shoes, dustbuster, shock-absorbing helmets, home security systems, smoke detectors, high-density batteries, trash compactors, food packaging and freeze-dried technology, composite golf clubs, quartz crystal timing equipment, microspheres, forest management, sensors for environmental control, wind monitor, telemetry systems, fire resistant material, radiation insulation, environmental analysis, noise abatement, pollution measuring devices, radioactive leak detector, digital imaging br east biopsy system, br east cancer detection, laser angioplasty, ultrasound skin damage assessment, human tissue stimulator, cool suit - for multiple sclerosis- cerebral palsy- spina bifida and other conditions, programmable pacemaker, ocular screening, automated urinalysis, medical gas analyzer, voice-controlled wheelchair, arteriosclerosis detection, ultrasound scanners, automatic insulin pump, portable x-ray device, invisible braces, dental arch wire, palate surgery technology, clean room apparel, implantable heart aid, bone analyzer, cataract surgery tools, magnetic liquids, welding sensor system, microlasers, magnetic bearing system, engine lubricant, interactive computer training, high-pressure waterstripping, advanced welding torch, gasoline vapor recovery, self-locking fasteners, machine tool software, laser wire stri pper, lubricant coating process, wireless communications, emergency rescue cutters, fireman's air tanks, self-righting life raft, doppler radar, lead poison detection, corrosion protection coating, robotic hands, studless winter tires, better brakes, weight saving technology, improved aircraft engine, advanced lubricants, the flywheel energy storage system, wing design for corporate jets, safer bridges, emission testing, airline wheelchairs, electric car, methane-powered vehicles, and aircraft design analysis.

So in the end, dismantling NASA would only eliminate jobs and cost us billions in lost money to the economy every year. I only wish the other 99.3% of my taxes were so well spent. Perhaps we should let NASA teach us something about how to run the country

Can I be sued for not paying this company for the bad job they did?


I hired a pool maintenance guy to fix the concrete hand rail "cups" around our pool because over time, and freezing/thawing, they had gotten bent and I could no longer get the hand rails to fit.

He gave us a quote and we agreed to go ahead with the work.
He did a terrible job. The concrete didn't match, he let the concrete dust and particles fall in the pool staining our liner, there were deep lines around the new concrete from where he cut out the old and concrete had fallen into the new cups and hardened making it impossible to get the handrails into them. He said he would be back to complete the job and fill in the grooves with concrete caulk when it had cured. He never came back.

I let him know about the problem and he said he would come out and repair everything and clean the liner too. Again, he never showed but the bill/invoice kept coming via mail. The next time I heard from him was to sell me a new electric motor to fix a problem I told him I was having with my automatic cover. We discussed this well before he started the handrail job. I was freaked that he had the nerve to try and drum up new business when he didn't even finish what he started. I told him once he fixed his last job we could talk about the next. Again, I didn't hear from him for weeks but the invoice kept coming, now with finance charges.
I sent him an email with pictures of his shoddy work asking him to come and fix it. We arranged to have him perform the repairs and I took a day off of work and he never showed. I called him to see why he hadn't showed and received no response. A week later he came to the house while I wasn't home (he always manages to miss our appointments and show while I am not there. It's happened several times) and cleaned the spilled concrete out of the cups and sent me an email saying that when he examined them there was no concrete in them.

He still keeps sending me invoices with accumulated finance charges and has still not fixed the problems. I am at the point now where I just don't want the guy coming around because I don't trust him and the felonious looking characters that work for him.

We don't have a signed contract.

My questions are:
What can I do in this situation?
The invoices come in my (misspelled) name and the house is in my fiancees name, can he put a lien on the home?
The work will need to be done again at some point and not by him. Can I send him the bill for repairs, negating the bills he has been sending me?

I am sick of people doing shoddy jobs or not completing them and expecting to be paid. What can I do?

They can sue, sure. That doesn't mean they'll get anything. And you may have a counter claim.

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