Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

my automatic pool cleaner is not working?


what should i do ro check out to see wny my automatic pool cleaner(polaris turtle) is not working?

I cannot find the website for polaris, seems they were sold not too long ago. I could be wrong on that.

If your turtle plugs into the skimmer or fitting in the water and there is not a separate pump to operate it, likely the turtle is a suction side automatic cleaner.

Suction side automatic cleaners all have something in common and that is when your filter is getting dirty the amount of water going through your cleaner and filter is way down. Inside your cleaner is a water paddle wheel that makes the turtle go.

Check your turtle to see if the passage ways are clean and clear and the hose is also, then clean out your filter. A clean filter should develop about 16-20psi when clean. When dirty and needing cleaning the pressure is about 26-30 or a 10 psi gain. Best to clean before 10 psi but surely by 10 psi.

You're welcome!!

Clean pool?

Q. Okay, so I have this giant inground pool. I've had it for a few years (previous owners built it). Every time I open it, it is all green with algae. I know this will happen, but it takes me over 2 weeks to clean! It's only supposed to take a few days, one week at the most! I bought a new filter last year and it is still green. I always scrub it with an algae scrubber and vacuum the pool (p.s. what's the correct way to vacuum an inground pool?). I have the proper chemicals added too. What can I do to help clean it up faster?

I hope this isn't too long of an answer, but I hope it helps!

Adding the proper chemicals is what you should be doing, however you also need to make sure those chemicals are in proper balance with each other. Make sure your chlorine levels are where they should be and, more importantly, that they stay there.

Do you cover your pool in the winter? I don't cover mine; cleaning my pool is a year-round process. That means I'm not very familiar with cleaning techniques during winter if you do cover it, but I don't think that cleaning algae out of it is something you should have to do every year.

Sustaining circulation is also a good way to keep algae from clinging to the sides of your pool. Once they attach, they grow and spread quickly. Our pump runs for at least a few hours, every day...unless we go on a day trip out of town. I've also had my pump break down on me a few times where I had 0 circulation in my pool and within a week, my pool water went from a little cloudy to looking like green mud.

Are you familiar with backwashing? Diatomaceous earth (DE)? Sand? Backwashing is flushing your filter screens (in the pump) of small contaminants like dirt and algae particles. DE and sand is the filter aid you use that coats the screens of your filter to keep the stuff from getting re-deposited into your pool via the jets. Just look at the manufacturer's label on the pump and it should tell you what kind of filter you have; this should tell you what kind of filter aid it uses.

As for a "correct" way to vacuum, well there's really no right and wrong way to do it. There's automatic skimmer vacuums you can buy that get propulsion from your pump, and there's manual ones where you do it all yourself. The automatic ones will be pricier of course, but if you don't like breaking out in sweats or standing in bitter cold wind to operate a manual one, they can be life-savers.

Any questions you have can be directed to your local pool supply store; I prefer Leslie's myself, if you have one nearby--www.lesliespool.com. You can buy water test kits there; you dunk a test strip in the water and check where your chemical levels are so if any of them are off, they can be corrected. However, most places like this will also test a sample of the water you bring to their store and will offer advice.

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