Minggu, 27 April 2014

Can anyone tell me how Automatic Gold Dredgers work?


I have been trying to figure out how something that separates the gold from the mud/sand work??

and i am getting NO WERE, lol.

Can someone explain it to me?

No prob, I live in gold country. There are the floating self sustaining dredges. They are fairly small dredges on floats. They are usually anchored. There's a suction hose that acts similarly to an automatic pool cleaning device. It moves around the bottom and deposits the silt i.e. mud/sand into a shaker box where water is continually run through. Since gold is more dense/heavier than sand/mud it tends to not be washed away. It all has to do with the periodic table of elements and their mass. What it comes down to is a filtering action where the heaviest particles stay and the lighter slag is washed away. There's also a less autonomous system where a diver uses the suction hose and manually vacuums the bottom. Hope it helps.

Is a salt water pool better than fresh water for your health,and also for cleaning out pool after?

I reckon you're asking about salt generators.
There are many out on the market and their popularity has grown over the last 10 years. About half of all new pools being installed these days are set up with a salt generator.
There's something you should know about these generators. Most people believe that this is a non chlorine system. It actually is chlorine based. The idea behind these generators is to change salt into chlorine. Chlorine is actually a form of salt that's a little more "energized" than normal table salt. It's that property that allows it to effectively sanitize a pool.
With a salt generated pool, the actual salinity of the water is quite low. So low that unless you have exceptional taste buds, you won't taste it. You won't float any differently either than in fresh water.
There are a number of advantages with going salt. First and foremost is the "feel" of the water. A salt generated pool is a lot easier on eyes and skin than a traditionally chlorinated pool. The water is "softer". Because the chlorine produced by the unit is in a low constant dose, there's no high amount of chlorine in there to bother a person but it's still high enough and produced almost constantly, to keep the pool looking good. Another reason to go salt is the cost savings over time. These units are expensive initially but save a lot of money in chemicals that you don't need to add anymore. No more shock unless you get into trouble, less acid and less TA adjustment chems are needed as well. Salt generated pools tend to stay pretty stable in the water chemistry department. More so than any other form of sanitizer system. These systems are also automatic. You basically just set them and forget them with just a once a week check of the LCD screen on the control panel to make sure there's no issues. Maintenance usually just consists of a once a year cell cleaning which doesn't take long and the home owner can do this themselves.
The one drawback they have is the need to check your stabilizer levels a little more often than you normally do with a normal chlorine pool. You aren't using pucks anymore ( they have stabilizer in them) and you'll have to compensate for that when required. You'll also have to keep an eye on your salinity and add salt if required. This will happen once or twice per year with a sand filtered pool ( you're backwashing), only once as a rule with a cartridge or DE filter.
I disagree with what the other poster has said regarding retrofitting an older pool with salt. You can do it no problem at all. The only thing that would hinder that is if the pool were on Bromine before switching to salt/chlorine. In this case you'd have to dump the water since Bromine isn't compatible. If you're on chlorine now, it's not an issue. The only other thing I can think of that may be an issue is the pool's electrical grounding. If the pool was built properly it will be properly electrically bonded and there is no issue. If the pool builder cut corners and didn't bond the structure, ladders etc then there might be a corrosion issue 10 years down the road. It's easy enough to fix before the installation of the salt unit.
I also disagree with the other poster in that you DON'T need to still add chlorine. If the unit was sized and installed properly, it will work just fine by itself with no need for any additional chlorine unless you have a hundred kids suddenly using the pool and weren't prepared for it. Preparation is a simple matter of turning a knob on the control unit to up the amount of sanitizer produced before the party. That's it.
As a former pool tech and I was given the choice on what to use for a sanitizer system, I'd go salt in a heart beat. Less hassle, less overall cost and more enjoyment of the pool. So the answer to your question is yes salt generated pools are healthier and you're going to be cleaning any type of sanitized pool out. They all get dirty.

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