Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Over 300psi pressure in my Purex 3-cartridge pool filter blew cover off the canister.Filters were Clean. Why?


The pressure gage was pegged/stuck at 300psi. Previously under same conditions, i.e. clean filters, the pressure gage burst. This gage had a maximum of 60psi. On another occasion the 3/4" circulating lines that are about 2 feet below the pool water surface jettisoned water about 3 feet above the water surface for several seconds. Does anybody sell automatic (say 50 psi) pressure relief valves to prevent such dangerous operation? Can power disturbances-high voltage/frequency swings create such dangerous conditions? Being an electrical engineer I know that motor torque increases with increase with voltage and that motor speed increases with increase in frequency. These increases then can cause the pump to push more water through and if the water lines cannot handle the volume the result then could cause dangerous pressure to develop.

You must have some form of restriction in the outlet from the cartridge canister to cause such a pressure build up. Check that there is nothing floating around loose that could block the outlet. Are the outlet hoses flexible or rigid, sometimes the inner lining of a flexible hos can separate and block the hose. The idea that power frequency fluctuations would speed the motor up can be ruled out as if the frequency fluctuated enought to cause that to happen the Power Station Generators/transformers etc would all have tripped way before it could happen.

With the power behind kitchenaid mixer motors, why do you think they do not turn off when the head is tilted?


I just tried to remove an attachment from a Kitchen Aid mixer and, not realizing what button/knob to push to loosen the attachment, turned it on with my hand on it. It yanked my hand pretty good and luckily damage was not worse but the whole incident makes me question...

The motor inside the mixer is (and needs to be) very powerful. Why on earth hasn't Kitchen Maid added a safety switch to the tilt head so that the mixer cannot be powered when the head is tilted up? Is there some need to have the motor on with the head tilted? I've seen plenty of power tools with far less power which have far more safety designed into the product.
While I appreciate Tom's answer below, there are a few things I take issue with.

1. Virtually every engineer, executive, secretary or janitor working for Kitchen Aid knows the following:

a. Most owners of the mixer will NOT unplug the unit each and every time attachments are changed.

b. All members of a household in which a mixer is present will not have read the entire operating manual.

c. People often make mistakes for a large variety of reasons.


2. Error-proofing the mixer such that the motor cannot run when attachments are being changes is entirely possible.

After working extensively with both American and Asian automakers, one of many cultural difference I've noticed is what Tom stated. The Asians do not look at error-proofing and think "it can't be done," they look at it and think "it can be done, and if it is already being done, it can be done better."

Anyway, I digress. From reading this I think the answers to my question
I also find it amusing that electric mixers are a top contender when I search for "most dangerous kitchen appliances." Maybe it simply is because engineers cannot and will not make them safer.

It's impossible to idiot proof everything. Why would you work on any power equipment with power still applied? Especially since the operating manual specifically says never to do that.
You have a large brain that should be sufficient to protect you from this sort of mishap.
You're essentially asking how to protect you from yourself. Can't be done.

It's not a defect... you ignored the instructions. It's like crawling under a car when all that's holding it up is the jack and you didn't place jack stands like you're supposed to. Ignore the common sense part and no one can or will protect you.

BTW, what power tool with far less power has more safety designed into it? Hand drills are very powerful but there is nothing to keep them from energizing while changing bits. Same with my drill press. Nothing to keep it from starting while I have a chuck key inserted.
Can't get any safer than disconnecting power... like you were instructed to.

Direct from Kitchenaid:
"When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be
followed including the following:
1. Read all instructions.
2. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not put mixer in water or other
3. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children.
4. Unplug from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off parts, and
before cleaning."

So what I am noticing is that you speak in generalities. You still haven't named that power tool with far more safety build into it, that you mentioned.
As far as pulling the Asian vs. American mentality card, that's a crock. Easy to say, but you can't support the statement other than with your own anecdotal statement. Nonetheless, this is NOT AN ENGINEERING problem or issue. An interlock would be easy. So would unplugging the machine before you monkey with it, but you didn't do that. The latter is less expensive and more practical.
Guess what would happen if there were an interlock and it failed? You'd be wanting to sue. I'm not so sure you're not intimating that already with this supposed "design defect".
Learn your lesson already... keep your finger out of the light socket. (there's no interlock there, either)

Your statements about what "most owners" will or will not do are also unfounded and unsubstantiated. You made that up, too.
If you can't/don't follow instructions then THAT'S YOUR FAULT. Period.

I'm sick and tired of this mentality. Space heaters burn down homes all the time. So do matches. Or is is people using space heaters and matches that burn things down?
A car can be put into forward gear and the throttle stepped on even if when there's a store front full of people in front of you. GASP! Why aren't engineers doing something about that?? Surely the Asians have noticed this looming danger and are all over it!

The MOST dangerous thing in your kitchen is YOU. The fact that you and most of your friends (not most people) choose to ignore instructions, warnings, and cautions actually gives me hope for humanity as some of those genes will soon be removed from the pool.

Maybe all applicances should also have GFI built INTO them in case some idiot who wants to make toast next to his hot tub plugs it into an extension cord that's not on a GFI circuit?
Maybe toasters should have automatic doors on them to keep people from sticking butter knives into them while they're plugged in?
You getting the point yet? Probably not.

The bottom line, that you don't like and won't accept, is that there is NO TREND of people being injured by their stand mixers. The mixers that are the most dangerous are the hand and wand mixers with high-speed exposed blades. (you failed to research that before you listed "electric mixers" as a dangerous kitchen appliance) Perhaps that's the part that amused you.

Get a grip and stop blaming everyone for not protecting you from yourself. It can't be done and should not be done.
You couldn't figure out which button to press so you fumbled with it plugged in. Not good.... and contrary to what you were told not to do.

Here's another: Don't drive on the left side of the road in the US. It's not safe. There is nothing to stop you from doing this, even though the car has a lot of power. Just don't do it.

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