Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Swimming Pool Question?

jaret b

My pool lines are currently clogged with debris from what the cleaner sucked into the lines. Is there an easy way to unclog the lines without hiring a professional?

Well, I'll tell you what a Pro would do and you can decide if that's within your ability. Using a plumber's snake rarely works, since usually the initial cause of the blockage, is a twig, that other debris has been caught on. It's almost always at the 90 degree elbow, within a foot of the skimmer bottom. Sometimes it's even closer, depending on the installer, as some will do a 90 immediately below the skimmer ( not the proper thing as it creates cavitation).
First things first. Unhook your cleaner and make sure it's not the issue. Usually, most automatic cleaners are the victim. The debris gets stuck in them, not the line. If it's a barracuda cleaner, make sure that the diaphragm isn't stuck closed or debris lodged in there or even if it's been torn. Other cleaners, just a visual check down the business end will do. Try the pump with the cleaner unhooked. Still no go? What's the pump actually doing? If it has a clear lid, do you see the volute (wet end) full of water that's not moving anywhere? Have you made sure that the filter is clean and that your pressure gauge isn't broken, fooling you into thinking the filter is clean. That happens. That's not the issue? It still may not be the line, it could be debris in the pump impeller ( common) from crap that got past the basket during a basket cleaning. Depending on the pump model, checking this can be easy or require minor disassembly. If it's a Hayward super pump or Jacuzzi magnum, it's a simple finger check, with power to the pump off and locked out. Other makes usually require some taking apart to check, unfortunately. Feel debris in there? It doesn't take much to stop it up. Usually just pulling what you feel , out, will do the trick, but I would disassemble and clean the impeller vanes thoroughly. Not the issue? Read on.
Back to the pump and what it's doing. Does it sound like it's surging or is it rattling? Surging can indicate a leak in the suction line as well as cavitation produced by a blockage, it's an experience thing here. A pro can tell by the sound of the surge and it's not something I can describe here. A rattling noise is almost always a 100% blockage in the suction line.
None of the above and you're sure that there's no leak in your suction line someplace? Pipes break underground and if this pool was built between 10-20 years ago and has poly pipe for it's plumbing, the builder may have used nylon insert plumbing fittings, which were popular because they were more expensive than normal poly fittings ( contractor can charge more) but there's an issue with them in that they break down with chlorine exposure. You'll know just by looking at the equipment plumbing. If it's poly pipe, check the fittings. Are they an off white or yellowish? Nylon. Grey? Poly.
Not a plumbing leak for sure? The pump lid O ring is ok and no cracks in the pump anywhere and the pump drain plugs are sealed properly? Ok...on to removing that blockage
We usually use either a high pressure water or air slug, from the equipment side, to the pool on the suction line, using a pressure tester. You need to blow the obstruction back the way it came. You can create your own tool by heading to the pool shop and buying what's called a priming tool. It's a 1 1/2 inch rubber plug ( a #10) that's got a garden hose fitting on it. You'll also need a #10 normal rubber plug ( for most skimmer holes, so check the size before you buy). You'll need to unhook the suction line at the pump, put the tool in that line. You'll also need two other people to give you a hand. One at the tap and one at the pool skimmer. You get to hold the tool in the plumbing, because it's gonna want to come out of there if there's a block and also when your pal at the pool temporarily holds his #10 plug the suction hole. This just lets a little pressure build up in the line. He won't be able to hold it for too long, just make sure they don't tighten it in is all. Have that person let it build, then release. It make take a couple of shots. Have him watch for debris shooting out ( he may get a little wet). If a twig pops out, that will almost always be the initial cause and you should be done. Fire it up.
An alternative tool you can use is what's called a drain king. It adjusts itself to whatever size plumbing you insert it into, but these guys are a little pricey. The plus side is that it eliminates the need for someone holding the tool at the equipment end but the water volume coming through it isn't as great as a proper priming tool, so it may take much longer to clear the line.

How does the automatic swimming pool cleaners work?


How does the automatic swimming pool cleaners work? do you know, is it continentï¼

It's so continent.

The way that Automatic Pool Cleaner works is the key to its reliable, trouble-free operation. With just one operational moving part, it converts the water flow generated by your pool's pump into kinetic energy. Here's how: the water flow first moves the flapper (the only operational moving part) to the top position, causing one drive tube to close. Water is drawn in through the open drive tube, which causes the flapper to move to the bottom position. This repetitive process creates the motion which propels the cleaner around the pool.

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