Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

I am taking a drug test tomorrow and I have taken some adderall?

automatic pool cleaner gets stuck on Whale of a job for some poor pool guy -
automatic pool cleaner gets stuck image

Robby Lace

I know it will come up on my drug test, but I do not have a prescription for it. I took 30mg today and have to take the test tomorrow. What can I expect to happen? I know it will show up on the test, should I disclose that I took it before I take the test or just wait for the results to come back to say anything? Again, I do not have a prescription for adderall. I just took them recreationally to help with final exams.

What you should do depends on for whom you are taking the test. You know you are going to show positive for amphetamine or what ever amphetamine class is on the drug test, so... a) do you know what you are going to be tested for? b) i am assuming this is a urine test c) you said you took "30 mg" today, but then you say that you took "them" for exams ("them" indicating more than 1, and "final exams," which are usually given over a week or two) d) is this a job test/career related or something more serious that could be freedom restrictive (such as for probation)
Consider this: I have taken a diet medication that I was prescribed which does test positive for amphetamine. Curious, more than once, I did a little home testing b/c I wanted to see how long this drug stayed in my urine after I stopped taking it. To my surprise, it cleared my system, even after 1-2 solid months of 30-60 mg a day (it was phentermine) after no more than 24-36 hours. That's not saying that will be true for you, but it's a good chance that if you can delay this test--even 1 day--even if you have to go to the doctor w/ a belly ache or a migraine and get a note saying you were seen and have the day off, and if you don't take anything over the next 24 hours you will be naturally clean. Amphetamines (I don't know about methamphetamine, sorry) clear out very quickly! If you can't do this, you need to consider this. Unless is a huge deal test, this urine will only be sent of for forensic (usually GCMS) confirmation if you test *positive*, and now you can listen to the gatoraid/water drinkers here, but--and even if you take a B vitamin to recolor your urine--your urine will *probably* be tested for specific gravity and creatine, those are two items (and I don't care how you try to pack your system w/ any sort of creatine replenisher or eat meat and have sex--other purported means by which you can 'boost' creatine levels) that will cause an invalid result which are usually marked automatic positives, so if you are testing for a job or the like, you will be automatically out of the job pool. But in my opinion, for a job, it's better to drink as much water as you can *immediately before the test--no more that 1 hr 15 mins* and don't bother with the drinks b/c all they do in the end is dilute your urine. Take a vitamin B pill (chew it up b/c heaven forbid it's time released), about 30 mins before the test and after you are passing totally clean urine. Don't drink so much water that you vomit (your body will force you to vomit water if you are diluting your system--b/c too much water can actually kill you); no more than a 2-liter in that 1 hr 15 min period. You will start to pass yellow urine again b/c of the vitamin. Stop and use the bathroom 1 more time somewhere close to the test *right* before the test (the urine shouldn't be held in your bladder too long, not good), and just take it. If you are lucky, the test taker will put some a temp strip on your cup, verify the temp, check the color (which is why you *cannot* not take the vitamin), and stick the dip stick or drops some drops onto a diskette in front of you, see that nothing shows and throw it away. Depending on your probation, if that is the case, you may or may not be screwed, but it is always better to test--if you get the spec gravity and the creatine tests, diluted and claim you simply were worried that you would not be able to pee and so drank a hefty bit of water before the test than to test positive for *anything*! Cut and dry, what you did was illegal, and proof that you took any controlled substance (which Adderall is) w/out a prescription is admitting a crime. So... wait 24 more hours to take the test (and don't do anything no alcohol no smoking all these things pollute your system and slow down your elimination rate) or dilute your system and recolor w/ chewed B vitamin, b/c those are your only real choices.
After this experience, don't do this again. It's stupid, and if you get caught w/ even once pill that's not yours rx or no, you can eliminate your eligibility for financial aid, and derail the future for which you are taking those exams! Good luck & learn something from this, please.

btw: you'd be *REALLY SCREWED* if you were doing *POT* and on the way to hard core for real! It's the "gateway drug." Plus it stays in your system for 2 weeks to a month and even longer if you smoke it everyday. Don't listen to *pot-head-girl* up there!

How to run pool filter/motor?


I have a swimming pool 6 x 6 Meters 2 m height,
Yesterday a company came and clean my pool and add chemical stuffs, told me to fill it with water and in the morning they will come to activate ,run filter or motor i dont know

I paid all, but it seems they won't come back maybe theives... but anyways anyone know whats the next step to do?. how to run filter motor?.. I don't know,, I have like a big pumb thing and other one is near the water storage room with a small machine that can set filters or motor automatic... anyone can help? i don't want the water to get dirty because I wasted alot of money already .

On mine there is a toggle switch at the rear bottom of the motor. you flip it on or off and the motor starts. Turn the shaft by hand if it has set off for a extended time to make sure the impeller blades are free in the pump. They stick and you can rip them off on starting. Once started you go to the timer. look at your clock and set the time. then open the cover and move the 2 colored pegs for on at such time. then the other set to turn it off at such time. You need water above the intake before turning on the pump. and prime the pump first. On mine to do that you open the valve above the impeller house and let water out to remove the air in it.

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