Sabtu, 07 September 2013

I am taking a drug test tomorrow and I have taken some adderall?

best rated automatic pool cleaner on Was written Mon 13 Aug 2012, 22:26 | Direct link | Tech/Internet
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Robby Lace

I know it will come up on my drug test, but I do not have a prescription for it. I took 30mg today and have to take the test tomorrow. What can I expect to happen? I know it will show up on the test, should I disclose that I took it before I take the test or just wait for the results to come back to say anything? Again, I do not have a prescription for adderall. I just took them recreationally to help with final exams.

What you should do depends on for whom you are taking the test. You know you are going to show positive for amphetamine or what ever amphetamine class is on the drug test, so... a) do you know what you are going to be tested for? b) i am assuming this is a urine test c) you said you took "30 mg" today, but then you say that you took "them" for exams ("them" indicating more than 1, and "final exams," which are usually given over a week or two) d) is this a job test/career related or something more serious that could be freedom restrictive (such as for probation)
Consider this: I have taken a diet medication that I was prescribed which does test positive for amphetamine. Curious, more than once, I did a little home testing b/c I wanted to see how long this drug stayed in my urine after I stopped taking it. To my surprise, it cleared my system, even after 1-2 solid months of 30-60 mg a day (it was phentermine) after no more than 24-36 hours. That's not saying that will be true for you, but it's a good chance that if you can delay this test--even 1 day--even if you have to go to the doctor w/ a belly ache or a migraine and get a note saying you were seen and have the day off, and if you don't take anything over the next 24 hours you will be naturally clean. Amphetamines (I don't know about methamphetamine, sorry) clear out very quickly! If you can't do this, you need to consider this. Unless is a huge deal test, this urine will only be sent of for forensic (usually GCMS) confirmation if you test *positive*, and now you can listen to the gatoraid/water drinkers here, but--and even if you take a B vitamin to recolor your urine--your urine will *probably* be tested for specific gravity and creatine, those are two items (and I don't care how you try to pack your system w/ any sort of creatine replenisher or eat meat and have sex--other purported means by which you can 'boost' creatine levels) that will cause an invalid result which are usually marked automatic positives, so if you are testing for a job or the like, you will be automatically out of the job pool. But in my opinion, for a job, it's better to drink as much water as you can *immediately before the test--no more that 1 hr 15 mins* and don't bother with the drinks b/c all they do in the end is dilute your urine. Take a vitamin B pill (chew it up b/c heaven forbid it's time released), about 30 mins before the test and after you are passing totally clean urine. Don't drink so much water that you vomit (your body will force you to vomit water if you are diluting your system--b/c too much water can actually kill you); no more than a 2-liter in that 1 hr 15 min period. You will start to pass yellow urine again b/c of the vitamin. Stop and use the bathroom 1 more time somewhere close to the test *right* before the test (the urine shouldn't be held in your bladder too long, not good), and just take it. If you are lucky, the test taker will put some a temp strip on your cup, verify the temp, check the color (which is why you *cannot* not take the vitamin), and stick the dip stick or drops some drops onto a diskette in front of you, see that nothing shows and throw it away. Depending on your probation, if that is the case, you may or may not be screwed, but it is always better to test--if you get the spec gravity and the creatine tests, diluted and claim you simply were worried that you would not be able to pee and so drank a hefty bit of water before the test than to test positive for *anything*! Cut and dry, what you did was illegal, and proof that you took any controlled substance (which Adderall is) w/out a prescription is admitting a crime. So... wait 24 more hours to take the test (and don't do anything no alcohol no smoking all these things pollute your system and slow down your elimination rate) or dilute your system and recolor w/ chewed B vitamin, b/c those are your only real choices.
After this experience, don't do this again. It's stupid, and if you get caught w/ even once pill that's not yours rx or no, you can eliminate your eligibility for financial aid, and derail the future for which you are taking those exams! Good luck & learn something from this, please.

btw: you'd be *REALLY SCREWED* if you were doing *POT* and on the way to hard core for real! It's the "gateway drug." Plus it stays in your system for 2 weeks to a month and even longer if you smoke it everyday. Don't listen to *pot-head-girl* up there!

what is the single greatest use for salt?


there are actually many great uses of salt which benefits us in many ways like:

ALUMINIUM PURIFICATION Salt is used as a flux. The salt sits on top of the molten aluminium in molten salt form, this removes iron and other metals from aluminium leaving pure metal.

BREAD AND PASTRY Salt is used to give added flavour to bread and pastry. The main requirement here is that the product, either flossy or superfine, is clean and free from any extraneous matter. Salt also performs a function in controlling the rate at which the yeast works in the dough, giving a better texture to the bread.

CANNING OF MEAT AND VEGETABLES Salt is added to the products during processing and it is essential in these cases that the salt be free of grit, and particularly free of any specks or iron particles as these show up in the finished product.

CAUSTIC/CHLORINE MANUFACTURE The conversion of salt to form caustic soda and chlorine requires a crude salt with very high chemical purity. Salt is dissolved to form brine and the impurities are removed chemically before the brine passes into the electrolytic cells.

CHEESE MANUFACTURE Most cheese today is made on automatic machines and salting must be carried out in a continuous process. The salt used must be extremely dry at all times and contain virtually no fines beyond 60 mesh.

DRILLING Salt is used to mix with boring mud which is pumped down bore holes to form a wall when drilling through gravel or sandy material which will not stand up on its own.

FISH & MEAT CURING This is usually carried out by dissolving salt to form a strong brine to act as a pickle. The products may be placed in the pickle, or in many cases the pickle is pumped into the actual meat (such as in the case of bacon and ham). Salt for these purposes should be refined grades, clean and of high quality.

GENERAL COOKING Fine salt is used for all sorts of cooking and is similar to table salt, without the addition of Sodium Silico Aluminate.

HIDE CURING Hides and sheep skins are normally salted with a reasonably low quality salt. Hide salts are usually only washed grades but contain certain additives such as boric acid, to keep the hide as light a colour as possible. Other additives are naphthalene and sodium fluoride.

POTTERY PRODUCTION Salt is used to form the very smooth glaze on clay tiles or pottery ware. After a kiln of tiles reaches a yellow to white heat, salt is then fed on to the fire. The salt vaporises and passes on to the surface of the tile, actually forming a glass surface.

SOAP & GLYCERINE MANUFACTURE Fats and oils are saponified by heating with caustic soda to produce soap and glycerine. The soap is "grained" or "salted out" from solution by adding salt or strong brine.

SWIMMING POOLS Swimming pool salt is designed specifically for use with salt pool chlorinators

SYNTHETIC RUBBER MANUFACTURE Synthetic rubber is produced in the form of white latex to which salt is added as an emulsifier. Salt for this purpose is in crude form, of medium quality.

TABLE SALT This is a specially prepared salt for domestic purposes, with small, even crystals. Sodium Silico Aluminate is added as a free flowing agent. Table salt also comes in iodised form.

TEXTILE DYEING Salt is added to the dye baths during the process mainly to make the dyes fast. Flossy salt is the grade most commonly used in this process.

WATER SOFTENING Salt is used in both industrial and home water softening units. The purpose being to regenerate the resins which pick up the objectionable salts in the normal water supply. Salt for this purpose is usually a washed or refined grade. A similar type of salt is used for making a brine for brine cooling systems.

OTHER USES Other uses of salt include butter manufacture, soil stabilisation, tempering of steel, fertilisers and weed killers, and pine board manufacture.

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