Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

i just bought an intex above ground pool, it is 16' by 48'' and i was wondering what chemicals do i need to...

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maintain the pool. And how many chemicals do i need? =] thankss

The first thing you should do is shock your pool (you can buy chlorine shock at the store, it's basically just a high dosage of chlorine to kill bacteria and clean the water). Next, you should add stabilizer. Stabilizer will give your chlorine something to bond to so it doesn't evaporate so quickly.

This will take a few days to dissolve. Do you have floating chemical dispenser or an automatic chlorinator? Either way, fill it with chlorine pucks or tablets (they work the same way, they're just different sizes depending on how big your dispenser is).

Then you need to keep testing your water. If your chlorine levels get too high, then add less pucks or turn down the dispenser/chlorinator. If the chlorine gets too low, add more pucks or turn the unit up. If your pH gets too high or too low, you need to add some pH decreaser or pH increaser. If your alkalinity gets too low, add total alkalinity increaser. If your alkalinity gets a little high, use pH decreaser - if it gets extremely high, use muriatic acid.

It's hard for us to tell you how many chemicals you need. Everyone needs a different amount, depending on their water chemistry, amount of water their pool holds, how well they care for their pool, etc. Your basics are shock (do once a week and wait 24 hours before swimming), stabilizer, and chlorine pucks or tablets. You should also buy some test strips to test your water quickly at home, to see how your chlorine/pH/alkalinity levels are doing. Then you should buy and add more chemicals according to what your readings are telling you.

If this gets too confusing, you can always bring a sample of your water in an old water bottle to your local pool store. Most do free water testing, and they can tell you exactly which chemicals and how much of those chemicals you should add.

what is the single greatest use for salt?


there are actually many great uses of salt which benefits us in many ways like:

ALUMINIUM PURIFICATION Salt is used as a flux. The salt sits on top of the molten aluminium in molten salt form, this removes iron and other metals from aluminium leaving pure metal.

BREAD AND PASTRY Salt is used to give added flavour to bread and pastry. The main requirement here is that the product, either flossy or superfine, is clean and free from any extraneous matter. Salt also performs a function in controlling the rate at which the yeast works in the dough, giving a better texture to the bread.

CANNING OF MEAT AND VEGETABLES Salt is added to the products during processing and it is essential in these cases that the salt be free of grit, and particularly free of any specks or iron particles as these show up in the finished product.

CAUSTIC/CHLORINE MANUFACTURE The conversion of salt to form caustic soda and chlorine requires a crude salt with very high chemical purity. Salt is dissolved to form brine and the impurities are removed chemically before the brine passes into the electrolytic cells.

CHEESE MANUFACTURE Most cheese today is made on automatic machines and salting must be carried out in a continuous process. The salt used must be extremely dry at all times and contain virtually no fines beyond 60 mesh.

DRILLING Salt is used to mix with boring mud which is pumped down bore holes to form a wall when drilling through gravel or sandy material which will not stand up on its own.

FISH & MEAT CURING This is usually carried out by dissolving salt to form a strong brine to act as a pickle. The products may be placed in the pickle, or in many cases the pickle is pumped into the actual meat (such as in the case of bacon and ham). Salt for these purposes should be refined grades, clean and of high quality.

GENERAL COOKING Fine salt is used for all sorts of cooking and is similar to table salt, without the addition of Sodium Silico Aluminate.

HIDE CURING Hides and sheep skins are normally salted with a reasonably low quality salt. Hide salts are usually only washed grades but contain certain additives such as boric acid, to keep the hide as light a colour as possible. Other additives are naphthalene and sodium fluoride.

POTTERY PRODUCTION Salt is used to form the very smooth glaze on clay tiles or pottery ware. After a kiln of tiles reaches a yellow to white heat, salt is then fed on to the fire. The salt vaporises and passes on to the surface of the tile, actually forming a glass surface.

SOAP & GLYCERINE MANUFACTURE Fats and oils are saponified by heating with caustic soda to produce soap and glycerine. The soap is "grained" or "salted out" from solution by adding salt or strong brine.

SWIMMING POOLS Swimming pool salt is designed specifically for use with salt pool chlorinators

SYNTHETIC RUBBER MANUFACTURE Synthetic rubber is produced in the form of white latex to which salt is added as an emulsifier. Salt for this purpose is in crude form, of medium quality.

TABLE SALT This is a specially prepared salt for domestic purposes, with small, even crystals. Sodium Silico Aluminate is added as a free flowing agent. Table salt also comes in iodised form.

TEXTILE DYEING Salt is added to the dye baths during the process mainly to make the dyes fast. Flossy salt is the grade most commonly used in this process.

WATER SOFTENING Salt is used in both industrial and home water softening units. The purpose being to regenerate the resins which pick up the objectionable salts in the normal water supply. Salt for this purpose is usually a washed or refined grade. A similar type of salt is used for making a brine for brine cooling systems.

OTHER USES Other uses of salt include butter manufacture, soil stabilisation, tempering of steel, fertilisers and weed killers, and pine board manufacture.

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