Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

What are the approximate costs for upkeep of an above ground pool?

Charmian O

My wife and I are looking at buying a house, and it comes with an above ground pool (Looks like about 15' x 30'. I've heard from a lot of people that the maintenance and upkeep of a pool is more expensive and time consuming than it's worth... but not one of the people I've heard that from has a pool. I know the insurance will be higher (Don't know how much, but I know it'll be higher)... but I don't know anything else. How much /month or /year is the cost of the chemicals and maintenance? How much time is involved in keeping it up? Thanks!

Total chemicals for an above ground pool in the snow belt should top $250 for the season. If you stay on top of the pool and test frequently this should really be $150. Testing takes 30 seconds and will tell you what to do if the water is not balanced. the more often you test and balance the cheaper the annual bill will be. If you attempt do maintain your pool once/ week you will have a few weeks when the water turns green. This will cost you $30-$50 and 2-4 hours of time to clean up the mess. If you and your wife are very busy people and cannot dedicate the time to test and balance you will have a nightmare. I tell my customers to test and balance chems every other day. If they have a party or itâs 100 degrees out then you want to do this daily. Cleaning the pool and filter will take you 1 hour per week (if you have many trees in your yard you may need to do this twice per week). Opening and closing a pool is very easy, however if you havenât done this pay somebody and watch!!!! We have hints about removing the cover without allowing the muck water to fall into the clean pool water. (roughly $175-$250)

I look at it two ways:

If you like the house but donât like the pool, tear it down; around Chicago the rate is $300- $700 for removal.

If you like it but cannot dedicate the time hire a svc company again in Chicago the rate is $35- $50 per weekly visit (this includes the cleaning).

Testing will take you ten times to understand fully (two weeks). All chemicals have instructions on the rear for the proper dosage.

The best product that will make your pool 50% less maintenance is an AUTOMATIC chemical feeder... this puts a constant amount of chlorine or bromine into your pool all the time. Most people screw up and water turns green because they forgot to add some chlorine... this way even if you forget to test a couple of days you know the pool is still having some chlorine added to it. These run between $50 and $100 installation is cake if you have a drill.

Good luck

Asking price for a 27 foot above ground swimming pool?

Dain K

I have a 27 foot above ground swimming pool (3 years old) that I am trying to sell. It is in very good condition with a pump/filter, solar and winter covers, and accessories such stairs and automatic cleaner. The liner is fine now, but it may need to be replaced when torn down, but no idea. Is $1500 too much to ask? $1000? $500? I'm clueless on this.

Dain, i already answered your question on this with your other question when you referred to your pool as a 24 foot Round pool.

I gave it a second thought after posting, and seeing this message, IF you want to sell your pool, or get rid of it, you might want to post an ad for used pool equipment. A Pump/motor usually goes for 3-400 bucks, and the filter could be a few hundred more, but the equipment is used, so if you get someone to buy it for 500 dollars you should consider yourself lucky. Place an add for the equipment, and as a bonus they can have the pool for free. you might get a taker, But refer to my other message where i talked about liability. You don't want to be held responsible when the pool leaves your yard, so should something happen in 2 weeks, whether it is faultyequipment or improper installation, just make sure you dont get caught up in it.

It makes no sense to try and make a few bucks back on your pool that is 3 years old, and then by some string of bad luck, have someone come knocking on your door looking for damages because the ladder or steps failed and someone got injured. Sure it could be from the new owner installing equipment improperly, and you have no control over it, But is it really worth the hassle? Sell your used equipment, people will buy it. Especially now where people are going to have equipment failures and problems from the past winter, and dismantle your pool and put it on the side of the road, i guarantee someone will load it and take it away, even if there is no equipment.

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