Kamis, 03 April 2014

How many crickets a day should I feed my baby Chinese Water Dragon?

I just got a Chinese Water Dragon, I think it's a baby because his body is only about 3 inches along. I've looked on mywaterdragon.com and a few other websites, but I still have a few questions.

How many crickets do I feed him a day?

Is it possible to tame him so he can be held?

Any other advice for me?
He came from the local pet store, the lady who was working that day was new, so she wasn't positive on these questions either, that's why I'm double checking.

congratulations!!! lets see..they live 10-20yrs.males get about 3 ft. females 2ft.(including tail).minimum size for an adult tank is 6ft long,2-3ft deep,and 5-6ft tall. they live on land and progress to water as they age. mine chose water at about 3 yrs. so now her habitat is all water to a little past half full with a filter,water must stay clean. i've added rocks and big sturdy sticks for her to bask on under her heat light.her tank stays about 70-75 in the water.she also has some fish friends , she lays on her log and watches them swim and play. they say feeder fish were part of their diet so i bought 6...she never ate them,so now they are huge! but its cool..dragon and fish..it makes a great display. anyway...for substrate use something that won't cause impaction.sterilized potting soil is good.astroturf is good also and easy to clean!!! they need a big pool of water so it can submerge at least 1/2 its height.you need to remove and disinfect it daily.plenty of sticks for climbing and basking.you can add live plants,but from experience,fake is the way to go! they trample and tear their way through and the plants die,plus watering and the upkeep. if you choose natural,make sure not toxic to dragon.humidity should be about 80%.mist enclosure often with spray bottle.day time temp should be 84-88 with basking spot up to 90. at night temps should be 75-80. use a uva/uvb light so it absorbs the nutrients that the sun helps them to obtain.food:crickets,earthworms,grasshoppers,locusts,green beans,carrots(cooked),strawberries and bananas are some of my dragons favorites.you determine how much to feed.as babies they need more,but if not hungry they won't eat.they prefer 12 hours of day and night,its good to buy an automatic timer. they are very good swimmers and can run on their back legs! it's amusing to watch,but be careful...their fast!! they use their tail for balance &leverage when climbing. they have sharp teeth trust me they hurt and can possibly draw blood.the day i got mine i was holding her and sticking out my tongue and she bit it!! but normally they are pretty well tempered.also watch out for the whipping tail . the small shiny dot on top of head "third eye"it helps determine the diff. in light and regulate temps.warm happy dragon will be bright shade of green,stressed or cold will be pale green to almost black.they originate from the southeast asian mainland (thailand,southren china,vietnam,& cambodia) best way to sex your dragon is by probing at 2 yrs when secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop.usually males have larger head and spikes but probing is the best way to know for sure. and yes they can be held be calm and patient. hope this helps and good luck!!

Would a Taiwanese Guys go for a black girl?


I know dat it is really weird. But That question is really stuck in my head for some time now. because i am planning to move to Taiwan and I was really wondering about that. If i want to move there and spend maybe the rest of my life there, I would really like to know if there would be a possibility that I might get in a relationship while I am there. So could anyone tell me a little about it? I would like to be ready when I go there.

It's true what other people are saying that it's hard to know for sure until you try, but I can also share some thoughts that might help (I've been here 7 years).

First of all: race. I have wondered if white foreigners are treated differently from black foreigners. I can say that Taiwanese people are generally very friendly and interested in people from "the West", though I don't believe the maids/laborers from poorer countries like Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines get the same level of respect. For example, I don't think America airs prime-time talk shows where rich white women complain about how lazy or incompetent their hispanic housemaids are, but I've seen the equivalent here. All that said, I believe it's more about economic status (and country of origin) than skin color.

I have a "light black" friend here (Afro-European mix) and I've asked him if he thinks girls treat him differently than a white guy. He doubts it. He's got looks and confidence, so he could probably overcome any bias if it were there.

I think the bigger issue is not your race but your sex. Many female foreign friends of mine have complained that all the foreign men are unavailable because they're dating Taiwanese girls, and the local men do not seem appealing. I think some of this may be because (I believe) that Asian men are unfairly seen in the West as lacking manliness when in fact they can be extremely manly. If you find Asian men attractive in spite of this cultural bias, then I think you will find that you have a large pool of suitors to choose from.

There are cultural differences too. To make a BIG generalization (don't take it too seriously), Asian men can be quite good at pampering their ladies, but they may not be so open to the "traditionally women's" tasks like cooking and cleaning. Traditional family values are strong here, and the man and woman each have their own roles. So you could say it is not as sexually liberated here as in the States, though things are slowly moving that way.

Guys will be interested in you, but they may feel a little intimidated (your automatic foreigner's reputation as a sex-crazed demon does not help this). You may need to move slowly and keep the guy at ease until he can open up with you more.

Lastly, some foreigners suspect that Taiwanese are just really good at hiding their racism behind a plastic smile. I tend not to believe this, but I think Lil Jay Zhou's comment is a funny coincidence. No one reading it could suspect he was the same guy who earlier said that white English teachers in Taiwan such as myself are all "rich, overpaid, alcoholic white-trash". Hopefully his bigotry is just the result of living in America too long and is not indicative of "real" Taiwanese.

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